Chapter 77: Relief for Newtopia

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Anne and Sprig were walking through the streets of Newtopia. They could see the impact it had on the city. It had been a rough two months.

Food had become expensive, so much so the king had to release the army's rations to the public just to avoid a riot. Anne had been eating through that supply much faster than anyone else, leading to a minor outrage. After that, she had to eat privately in the castle.

Sprig was walking in front. "You know Anne, we haven't heard from Drake since that other time we saw him. What do you think happened to him?"

"I don't really know. We didn't exactly end on good terms," Anne said. She did wonder if she was a little harsh on him at that moment but she needed to pull his head out of the sand.

"What would you do if Drake did end up siding with Sasha?" Sprig asked.

Anne stopped walking. What would she do? Could she even call him a friend? What if he chose Sasha's side after everything? It would be a huge betrayal. Yet, she still valued his company and his friendship. At least that's what she thought.

"I don't know Sprig. I would be pretty peeved if he stubbornly clung to Sasha after all this," Anne said.

A cloaked newt approached the duo. He unfurled a scroll and started reading. "Anne Boonchuy, Sprig Plantar. King Andrias requests your presence in the castle. Master Marcy has returned to Newtopia."

"Yay! Marcy is back!" Sprig screamed.

"Woo! Let's go!" Anne cheered.

Anne and Sprig ran in the direction of the castle. This was the first good news they had in a long time. Anne had spent most of the siege, speaking publicly on behalf of the king which lifted people's spirits. There were the occasional defeatists, but most weren't willing to voice their opinions on surrendering.

Anne and Sprig were let into the throne room. Hop Pop, Frobo, and Polly were already there waiting at the foot of the throne. On the throne sat King Andrias with a smile on his face as usual. Nearby were the two highest ranking military commanders, Marshal Kerry and General Yunan.

Less than a minute later, Marcy came running through the door with a scroll in hand. "I'm back guys!" Marcy declared, humming a video game tune.

"Ho ho! Wonderful to see you again. That means our reinforcements should be arriving soon?" King Andrias asked for confirmation.

Marcy stopped at the foot of the throne with the rest of the group. "Yep! That's right! Bog will be here later today."

"Bog?!" Polly cried.

"He terrorized Wartwood and threatened to burn the place down!" Sprig added.

Marcy brushed off their concerns. "Don't worry guys. Bog is on our side for this battle. We'll need him if we're going to have a chance at defeating Sasha."

"Yeah but, why Bog in particular? Can he really be trusted?" Anne asked.

Marshal Kerry stepped forward. "The Southern Toad Army is the only other force still loyal to the crown. They'll attack the enemy from the rear while we attack from the front."

"What about Drake and the box? Do we know anything about that?" King Andrias asked.

"I managed to find Drake in the market district. We dueled and I almost defeated him. However, before I could land the final blow, he escaped with the aid of some unknown creatures that came from the sea," General Yunan explained.

"I think I've seen those things, they're called snapdragons," Marcy spoke up. "They have a secret lair in the middle of the ocean. I saw Drake there as well."

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