Chapter 3: A Tower of Toads

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Sasha was forced to march. Her hands and legs were shackled so she couldn't try running or fighting back. She was surrounded by a group of large armored amphibian humanoid creatures. They weren't taking any chances with her. She scanned her surroundings looking for some way out of this predicament. Those hopes were dashed when she was met with a large wall surrounding a tower, the same tower she and Drake were planning on taking shelter in. The gate slowly swung open, revealing a much older looking amphibian. One of his eyes was scarred but otherwise seems to be fine. His good eye looked to be glowing and lacked a pupil, unlike the other creatures. A large cape covered his left arm. He looked to be the one in charge.

The soldier in front spoke up first. "Captain Grime! We found this... creature in the swamp. It was caught in one of our beast traps. We believe there may be another one with it, but it ran away before we could catch it."

Without a word, the captain walked forward and started walking around the group with his eye glued on Sasha. Sasha tensed a little but managed to maintain a stoic face. She needed to be brave at this specific moment. Once he finished his round, he spoke up.

"What are you?" Captain Grime asked.

The question was mostly directed to himself, but Sasha decided to answer. "I am a human. My name is Sasha Waybright." Her answer surprised everyone.

"It can talk!" an unknown guard gasped.

Captain Grime on the other hand looked more intrigued than shocked. "Alright creature, tell me... who sent you?"

"No one sent me." Sasha replied as calmly as possible.

Captain Grime wasn't buying it. "Alright, how did you even get here. These woods are perilous."

"I don't know. One minute I was in a park with my friends and the next I was in the swamp where your men grabbed me." Sasha answered.

"Your friends?" Sasha had a feeling she just made a mistake. "Where are these friends of yours now?"

"I don't know where they are." Sasha answered. It was true for the most part. Although she had encountered Drake and knew he was running around somewhere, she couldn't really give specifics about his whereabouts even if she wanted to. As for the others, she had absolutely no idea where Marcy and Anne were.

Captain Grime scowled at Sasha. "I think you're lying. We already know you met one of them. Where did it go?"

Sasha tried to remain calm. One wrong move could make things worse. "I... I don't know what you're talking about! I'm here by myself!"

Captain Grime grabbed Sasha by her shirt collar. "Don't lie to me! There are more out there I am sure of it!"

"I'm telling you they aren't out there! You have no proof!" Sasha yelled back.

"Alright I'll get you some proof and when I do. You better have answers. Because if you don't. I can't guarantee the safety of your friends." To Sasha, it sounded like a threat.

She began to panic at the thought of her friends getting hurt. It was one thing just surviving out there alone. It was another thing when people are hunting you. If Captain Grime's threat was anything to go off of, he would probably have his troops kill them on sight. Still, Sasha couldn't let Captain Grime know he was getting to her. "I don't know if they are out there! But even if they are, I wouldn't tell you!"

Captain Grime was starting to look frustrated. "Maybe some time in a cell will loosen your tongue. Enjoy your stay at Toad Tower." He waved his hand.

The toads shoved Sasha forward almost causing her to trip due to the shackles on her ankles. Reluctantly, she marched through the gates. There were toads patrolling the walls. She was surprised not to have noticed them on the way over. Sasha noticed a stable for giant spiders much larger than her. She shuddered at the sight of them. Looking around, she noticed a few wooden carts with various designs. Some of which had toads repairing them. Then there was the tower itself. It was seemed old but still stable.

The toads opened the door and led her up a set of stairs. There were a variety of rooms in the tower. Unfortunately, Sasha didn't have time to see any of them. Instead, the guards forced her up the stairs until they reached a dark room with only a window for light. There were skeletons chained to the walls and one large cell at the end. The guards opened the cell and pushed her inside.

Unfortunately, due to the chains Sasha lost her balance and fell on the floor like a sack of potatoes. The guards closed the door and left her completely alone. Sasha grabbed bars on the window and used it as leverage to pull herself to her feet. She looked out the window and was surprised to see she was pretty high up. Unfortunately, it was just trees for miles. No discernible landmarks. She couldn't even find the swamp she and Drake were at.

Sasha sat back down. Looks like it'll be a while before she gets out of here. Until then, Drake will have to hold out without her. When she finally does get out. He'll be the first person she'll look for.

Author's Note


Thank you all for supporting this story. I decided on having a chapter dedicated to Sasha to give some more insight into her character as I felt the show didn't give the other members of the trio nearly enough attention. I am hoping to keep Sasha's personality intact while still giving her more moments to shine.

Let me know what you all think of chapters like this and whether or not you would want to see more chapters dedicated to Sasha.

Marcy is up next. Hope you all enjoy.

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