Chapter 86: Calamity Box

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The group had finally united once again as they marched to the throne room. They all knew what was going to happen, what they were about to do. If any of them had second thoughts, they kept it to themselves. The only ones who were notably absent were the snapdragons.

The door to the throne room opened revealing King Andrias sitting on the throne with the music box next to him. The royal newt guard stood off to the sides like statues. Lady Olivia, General Yunan, and Marshal Kerry were already here speaking with the king.

When King Andrias noticed the newcomers, he stood up, waving the newt officials away. "Aha! Welcome back! So nice to see you all again."

"Why are they out of their cells?" General Yunan asked referring to Sasha and Grime who were both currently armed. She readied herself for a fight.

"Now, now General Yunan. They are Marcy's friends, we need to treat them with respect," King Andrias said.

General Yunan straightened herself. "Yes my king."

Andrias grabbed the box and walked down from the throne. "I wanted to thank you all for delivering the box to me fully charged."

"Yeah... about that. I'd like to hold onto that for a little longer," Anne said trying to remain diplomatic.

"Now hold on. I've waited a thousand years for this moment. Please let me enjoy it for a little longer. In fact, I think you may want to hear what I have to say next." King Andrias held the box in the middle of the room for all to see. "Long ago Amphibia was once the greatest empire to ever exist. Then under my watch, this box was stolen from us by those I foolishly believed were my friends. After a thousand years we have forgotten our legacy. But now that it has returned our glory will be restored. For you see, my ancestors weren't peaceful explorers. They were glorious conquerors!"

A small pedestal appeared in the middle of the room. King Andrias placed the box onto the pedestal causing it to glow. Immediately, the entire castle began to shake as it took off into the sky. In the distance, robots that looked almost exactly like Frobo flew into the castle.

Sprig was looking out the window. "Oh, we are way high up."

"I'm sorry Anne, but I'm afraid you can't go home just yet. After all I can't have you warning earth about the oncoming invasion. I will finish the work my ancestors have started and rule not just this world but all worlds!" King Andrias said.

"No! You won't get away with this!" Anne declared.

"Anne's right! We'll stop you!" Sasha agreed.

"You dare threaten the king in his own castle?" Kerry asked threateningly.

"Looks like the room is against you. You had that chance during the siege. Only one of you had the foresight to figure out this was going to happen. Only one of you actually stood a chance at stopping me. It's just too bad Drake isn't here to see this. He gave his life for nothing. What would he say knowing you let him down?" King Andrias said.

Anne looked to her side to see Sasha with a frown and Marcy looking defeated. She felt her own stomach churn as well. "We were so focused on each other; we couldn't see what was right in front of us. That mistake costed us our friend," Anne said sadly.

"Focus Anne! If we get that music box away from him, maybe we'll stand a fighting chance," Hop Pop said.

"What about that blue power? That might really help." Sprig suggested.

"We can't count on that. I still don't know how to call on it," Anne said.

"Wait! Andrias! You promised nobody would be hurt!" Marcy protested.

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