Chapter 24: Aftermath

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As the sun began to set, Anne and the Plantars retired to the house for the evening. Drake stood at the door as they walked in but refused to enter. It didn't feel right, entering their house after what happened.

The events of Toad Tower kept repeating in Drake's head and nothing he did could make them go away. He kept thinking about the different choices he could have made and what may have happened in those circumstances. He secretly began to fantasize about an alternate version of those events where everyone remained friends and there was no conflict. Most importantly, an alternate outcome where Sasha survived. Unfortunately, it was too late to go back and do anything about it. He had to live with what happened.

He could hear the people inside the house talking. They sounded like they were getting ready to turn in for the night. Drake climbed onto the roof and laid down. This was where he planned to sleep. In his eyes, he wasn't on speaking terms with the Plantars.

Sprig was walking upstairs when he heard a thunderclap. It seemed like it was going to rain soon. He walked into his room and was about to turn off the light when he noticed something sitting outside his window. He recognized its face. "Drake!" Sprig called out. "Come inside quick!" he flailing his arms around hoping to get his attention as the rain began to pour. Sprig wasn't sure if Drake could hear him.

Drake responded to the rain by turning himself away from the window and curling up into a ball. His hood protected his face from the rain.

"Dang it." Sprig opened the window and climbed out onto the roof. He grabbed Drake by the shoulder who flinched when he felt Sprig's touch. Sprig ignored his reaction and tried to pull him inside, but he didn't budge. "Come on Drake! You can't stay out here."

Drake could feel his clothes getting soaking wet and he started to shiver, but he still refused to move despite Sprig's protests. He was used to sleeping in terrible conditions and was prepared to face it again out of principle. "Leave me alone. I want to stay out here." he said hoping to deter him.

"But you might get sick. You have to come back inside." After a few minutes, Sprig was forced to give up. He could feel the air getting colder and knew he was in danger of freezing solid if he stayed out any longer. "Fine! You can stay out here but I'm going to tell Hop Pop about this in the morning." Sprig marched back into his room, frustrated. He climbed into his hammock and fell asleep.

When the sun rose the next morning, Sprig looked out the window and noticed Drake was missing. Sprig looked out the window hoping to find him somewhere else on the roof but there was no sign of him. He went to the kitchen where Hop Pop was cooking. Anne and Polly were already there waiting for breakfast.

Hop Pop placed a plate full of beetle pancakes on the table. "Well, here you go kids. Enjoy your breakfast." as the kids ate, Hop Pop noticed something was wrong. He was expecting another person. "Where's Drake?"

"I saw him last night. He was sitting out in the rain. I tried to get him to come inside, but he wouldn't move no matter what I did. I had to give up and go back to sleep. Then when I woke up this morning, and he was already gone." Sprig explained.

"I guess he's not taking what happened very well." Hop Pop observed.

"I know something like that is going to scar me for life. Just the mere mention of Sasha would be haunting after a fight like that." Sprig said.

Anne stared into the distance trying to ignore his words. Those were bringing back some bad memories she was trying to work through.

"Did he say anything? He hasn't spoken to me for a while and I'm getting worried." Hop Pop asked.

"Is he still upset about Toad Tower?" Polly asked.

"He just told me to leave him alone and that he didn't want to go back in." Sprig answered.

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