Chapter 51: A Fortune Telling Witch

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It took quite a while to find it but Drake was certain this was the hut Bog told him about. A lone building stood in the woods. It looked to be large enough to house a single person. Drake prepared himself before knocking on the door.

Shortly after, the door opened, and a robed frog poked her head out. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, I was hoping you would have some information." Drake replied.

The frog looked him up and down. She narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "What kind of information."

"There was a toad that came here a while back. He was carrying the body of a human." Drake pulled out a polaroid of himself with his friends Anne, Sasha and Marcy. He pointed at Sasha. "Did the body look like this by any chance? I was hoping to take it and give her a proper funeral."

"I remember her. I was able to bring her back." the frog replied.

Drake was caught off guard. "What do you mean by that? Wait, do you mean she's not-? How did you-? But I saw her-?"

"I think you might want to come in. We'll discuss this at the table." the frog opened the door more widely.

Drake was a little hesitant but decided to enter this tiny shack anyway. There was a kitchen, an operating table and a variety of tools. The witch sat down at one end of a small dining table and Drake sat down at the other. He placed the polaroid onto the table so the witch could get a good look at it.

"So, you're one of Sasha's friends, correct?" the witch asked.

"Yes..." Drake hesitantly said, unsure if he was revealing too much too quickly. He pulled down his hood so she could get a good look at him. "You actually know Sasha?"

"Where are my manners? You can call me Kass." The witch got up and placed two teacups on the table. Then she started pouring tea into them. "Captain Grime brought her here one day asking me to help her. So I healed her."

"But she died. I saw her fall and hit the ground. Nobody could survive a fall like that. You can't heal death." Drake protested.

"Actually, in some ways you can but we're getting off topic. When Sasha was brought to me, she was greatly weakened. All her bones were destroyed but she was still alive. Her resilience was remarkable." Kass explained. She drank from one of the teacups she had just filled.

Seeing how she drank without hesitation; Drake took his teacup and drank as well. He still barely trusted her but if she was able to safely drink, he figured it was fine. "I've never heard of anyone surviving that kind of fall. I simply cannot believe she's alive."

Kass took his now empty teacup and examined it. She threw yellow powder at it, creating a puff of smoke. Then she looked at Drake and he could see a look of realization on her face. "You're no stranger to death. You've lost someone very close to you. Your father, ever since then you were lost."

Drake leaned back, shocked by her words. "What?"

Kass continued. "When you thought your friend Sasha had died, it reminded you of your father. You didn't want to see her ever again because it was a lot easier to accept that she had died and that was the end of it." Kass accused.

Drake stared at her wide eyes. "How could possibly know that?"

Kass did not relent. She was becoming more confrontational. "Then your stepfather came into your life, and even though your mother loved him, you hated him. You hated how he treated you but you didn't want to ruin your mother's happiness. You chose her happiness over your own."

"You don't know me!" Drake said.

Kass continued to recite Drake's life story. "You couldn't find happiness at home anymore so you ran to your friends. It was the closest you could get to the days when your father was alive, but you didn't want to tell them your true feelings. You were afraid they wouldn't listen or understand."

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Drake denied.

"Your friends are changing, you're afraid they're going to break up. Most of all you're afraid of the end result." Kass leaned in. "You hated the changes that have happened in your life and have grown to fear it."

"I... I... I-" Drake was at a loss for words. Then he felt the frog gently place her hand on his. For some reason, this gesture calmed him down.

"Change isn't always good nor is it easy to face, but it's something you have to adapt to eventually." Kass finished.

"But Anne, Sasha, Marcy. I don't want to see our little group fall apart." Drake protested.

Kass smiled empathetically. "I don't know what's going to happen to you or your friends. Whatever happens, you can't try to deny it forever. That is something you're going to have to face at some point."

"Can you at least tell me what happened to Sasha after you healed her? Where can I find her?" Drake asked.

"After I healed her, I sent her off somewhere outside the valley. She could be anywhere by now. Don't worry, I have a feeling she's going to come to you." Kass reassured him.

Drake nodded. Then he started to relax and talk more casually. "So, how did you figure out my life story anyway?"

"Clairvoyance spell mixed with the tea you drank. It told me everything I needed to know about you." Kass answered.

The two would continue to talk for the rest of the day. Once it was late, Drake would return to Wartwood and prepare for their journey to the next temple.

Author's Note


This was a short chapter but definitely one of the most important Drake chapters out there. Everything I've built up regarding Drake's backstory is up front and center here. This is certainly one of the biggest reveals regarding Drake since now we know his biggest insecurity.

Also, we got to see Kass come back for a second chapter. Definitely keep her in mind as this will not be the last time we see her.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

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