Chapter 60a: True Colors (Anne)

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Joe Sparrow crash landed in front of the great gates of Newtopia. Frobo stood up, holding Joe Sparrow above his head. Everyone was soaking wet and they definitely weren't happy with the landing.

"For Joe's sake, no one else is allowed to join our party." Marcy declared.

Everyone started climbing down from the giant sparrow.

"Whoo! Back to Newtopia!" Marcy yelled. "Alright, let's go over the plan one more time. First, I'm going to get us into the city. Anne's got the music box ready to give to King Andrias."

Anne reached into her backpack and pulled out the music box to confirm she still had it. "Yep!"

"And finally, Sasha and Grime, hoods up till after we give the king the music box. Once I tell him how much you helped, he'll clear you for sure." Marcy explained.

"Copy that."

"Will do."

The group approached the gate. "Marcy Wu and crew reporting to King Andrias." The great gates of Newtopia swung open, allowing entry. "What an amazing adventure. Almost makes you wish it could last forever, huh?" Marcy stated.

"Mmm, I'm not sure I'll go that far. But, yeah, it was pretty cool." Anne replied.

"We had a lot of good and bad moments in Amphibia." Drake said.

Polly was looking agitated and started scratching.

"Whoa, Polly, what's wrong?" Sprig asked.

"Ugh! My butt is so itchy!" Polly said.

"I've got some ointment that'll fix that right up!" Hop Pop said.

"Hop Pop, no! It stinks!" Polly screamed before hopping away. This earned a laugh from the other kids.

"I can't believe we did it. After all our adventures, this is the end." Sprig frowned.

"Whoa, just because the adventure's over doesn't mean we can't see each other. As long as we've got that music box, I'll be able to visit whenever I want." Anne said. She placed him on her head. "You guys can even come visit me in my world."

"That'll be awesome." Sprig was beaming.

"Right? I'll take you to fast food." Anne suggested.

"I don't know what that is but yay!" Sprig cheered.

The group walked into the throne room where King Andrias sat. "My friends, wonderful to see you. I trust you were successful."

Anne pulled out the music box. All four gems were glowing brightly. "Boom, baby!"

"The charged music box. Well done. Well done!" Andrias looked excited. "Now let's finally send you all home." he held out his hand.

Anne held the music box out and was about to give it to him when a tongue suddenly wrapped around the music box and pulled it out of her hand. She looked over and saw Grime was the one who had taken it, he swung the music box to Sasha who held it with one hand.

"Sasha, what are you doing?" Anne was surprised.

Sasha flicked her hood. "What I do best, taking control. Now, Grime!"

Grime suddenly took off his cloak, revealing a massive hammer. He swung it at the ground, causing a shockwave that knocked everyone off balance.

Sasha quickly drew her sword and blocked a swing from one of the royal guards.

Grime raised his fist, hitting another one that was approaching him from behind.

Hop Pop was on the ground, extremely confused. "What the heck is going on here?"

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