Chapter 27: A Newtopian Military Meeting

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"Still no sign of my friends?" Marcy asked. She stood at a large round table with a map of Amphibia in the center. There were two newts attending this meeting. One was Colonel Kerry, a military commander who spends most of his time with the Newtopian Military police. He had recovered from the grievous injuries he had suffered over a month ago and was back to work. The other was General Yunan, one of the best in the Newtopian military.

"Unfortunately, no. Frog Valley has become a lot more dangerous lately. The Southern Toad Tower was destroyed, and their army seems to have routed. Until we deal with the rebellion there, we won't be able to search for your friends." Kerry explained.

Marcy sighed, looking defeated. She appreciated Kerry's help in locating her friends, but she was starting to worry. What if she was the only one who made it to Amphibia? What if they were stuck in suspended animation? She wasn't sure if she could live with herself if that was the case.

"We have other issues to deal with." General Yunan spoke up. "The traitor Grime abandoned his post at Toad Tower. The king has placed a bounty on his head."

Kerry sighed. "Captain Grime has been very useful in keeping the valley pacified in the past. I've read his military record. With skills like that, it would be a shame to execute him."

"Regardless of his past achievements, we need to make an example of him if we're going to keep the other toad armies in line. So, I'm going to handle him personally." General Yunan declared. She got up and started to walk out of the room.

"But General! I need you here to help me with the campaign!" Kerry protested.

"I'm done working with armies. They just slow me down." General Yunan said as she opened the door.

Once she was gone, Kerry groaned in frustration. He looked back down at the map, clearly angry.

Marcy got out of her chair and approached him. "Is something wrong?" she asked, a little concerned for the young officer.

"Permission to speak freely Master Marcy?" Kerry asked, looking up at her.

Marcy nodded.

"Sometimes I feel like General Yunan is a glory hound more interested in playing soldier than being a general." Kerry complained. "Now it's up to me to plan the campaign to retake Frog Valley. Having the local toad captain with me would have made everything go a lot more smoothly."

"Do you need any help with this?" Marcy asked.

"Yes, I could use some help. I've been trying to get permission to start a recruitment campaign, but I haven't gotten a response. You see, the army I've been given is not large enough to face the rebels. I just need more troops. Do you think you can deliver this request to the king? You know him personally; he'll listen to you." Kerry placed a small envelope on the table.

"Why can't you just go ahead and start recruiting?" Marcy wondered.

"If I raised an army without permission, people would get suspicious. They may think I planning to start an uprising of my own. I may even be named an enemy of the crown. I need your help before I can do anything." Kerry explained. "Tell you what. After I'm done training those recruits, you can join me on the campaign if you want."

Marcy thought about the offer. As far as she understood, the Newtopian military had been looking for her friends for a while now. Frog Valley was the only place they haven't searched yet. If her friends were there, she would be able to see them right away. "I'll need some time to think about it, but I'll deliver your message." she grabbed the envelope and put it in her pouch. "By the way... what are you going to do about Captain Grime? You seemed pretty upset about it."

"Nobody should be punished that severely over one failure. From what I understand, the guy suffered one setback and had to retreat. Unfortunately, the king has already made his decree. Not even I'm willing to challenge that. I'm not going to do anything." Kerry explained.

"I understand. If you want, we can hang out sometime later. I think the colosseum closes at sundown. We could watch a chariot race." Marcy offered as she started walking out.

"I could use break later... oh! One last thing before you go. I have another report I need to make for the king. Apparently, we're having some trouble with ants. It's getting really serious. You may get called upon for another mission soon. Make sure you get some rest." Kerry warned.

"Thanks for the warning!" Marcy called out. Then she left the building.

Author's Note


Surprise everyone! Got another chapter out real quick.

This is a rather short chapter featuring Marcy. I kinda wanted to write something short and pretty chill. So anyway, we got some stuff going on with the Newtopian military. General Yunan is out to get Grime and Kerry has his own stuff to worry about. I hope you all enjoyed this short chapter.

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