Chapter 13: Marcy Meets a King

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Marcy leaned on her crutches as Lady Olivia and Colonel Kerry led the way. Lady Olivia was wearing another one of her dresses. Kerry on the other hand, wasn't wearing his patrol armor. He was actually wearing a formal uniform that signified his rank as an officer. Something Marcy noticed was Kerry's young age. He was already a Colonel, yet he seemed to be a young adult. This likely meant he had a lot of money and was well connected enough to purchase a commission, allowing him to skip a few ranks.

Marcy looked around. There were five heavily armored newt guards surrounding her. Her leg was still injured from the fall but at least she finally recovered enough to move around.

"Where are we going?" Marcy asked.

Lady Olivia chose to answer. "We're taking you to the king of Amphibia."

She looked around the city. The people stared at her. She wasn't sure if it was because they never saw a human before or because of the guards following them. The group had already passed by at least ten guards on the path they were taking with many more on the way. The security here seemed overkill, almost like they were expecting trouble.

"What about the guards? Why do we need so many?"

"Newtopia is not exactly a safe place. Even the military district can be pretty dangerous. I've ordered some extra security specifically for you." Kerry replied.

Come on! I fell down a flight of stairs one time! Marcy thought to herself. Then she got curious, maybe he wasn't actually referring to her clumsiness. "What exactly happens in Newtopia that makes it dangerous?" Marcy had a feeling this would be the start of her first quest.

"After the tour, I'll explain everything. For now, let's just say even though crime is worse here than anywhere else in Amphibia. It gets even worse than that." Kerry replied.

That was a little cryptic. Marcy saw the massive building in front of her. It was massive. Much larger than even Sasha's family home. "Is that a castle? Race you inside." She excitedly moved in front of the group, hoping to be the first one inside.

"Wait! Marcy! You can't just go running around in there!" Lady Olivia started to run after her. The guards on the other hand, continued walking like nothing was wrong. She ran inside the castle itself and was already out of breath. "Kerry! Stop her!" she ordered.

"Come on guys! There's a whole castle to explore!" Marcy called out to the newts behind her.

Kerry started running after Marcy. Since Marcy was still crippled, he could easily close the distance.

Marcy kept moving, eager to explore the castle. That was when she went through a massive set of doors and encountered what was clearly the throne room. In front of her was a massive throne made of coral with a newt larger than her own house back on Earth. The newt was wearing pink robes and had an ivory crown. He looked up from the newspaper he was reading and seemed surprised to see her.

Marcy suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. "Marcy, you can't just run off..." Kerry trailed off. He let her go and saluted.

A few seconds later, Lady Olivia arrived as well. She was out of breath but quickly composed herself. "King Andrias, I present to you the creature known as Marcy Wu." she announced.

Marcy walked forward in awe. "So, you're the king of Newtopia? Man, you're huge. Andrias huh? Can I call you Drias?"

The king looked down in sadness. "Only one person ever called me that."

Sensing her mistake, she quickly apologized. "Oh, gotcha. Too personal..." she muttered to herself. "Boundaries Marcy..." then she had an idea on how to lighten the mood. "You know I bet I could fit in your pocket." she started to climb onto the throne.

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