Story 1 (chapter 1):

151 4 10

Every story has a diffirent number! (Dragons rising season 2 spoilers)

Cole is on his mission, following Master Wus voice that he started hearing after the merge of all the 16 realms. Zane, Nya and Lloyd are in the cloud kingdom archives to look for any way to get Kai back from the mysterious realm he is trapped in. Lloyds students, Arin and Sora, are also there, along with Wyldfire and Riyu.

Nya walks up to Zane

Nya:When was the last time he slept? Nya asks Zane, about Lloyd, since Lloyd has been searching for answers to find Kai again

Zane checks his notes he's been taking on Lloyd, that he keeps in his memory banks

Zane: it states that he hasn't slept in 5 days, he looks exhausted...but he's persistent...

Zane looks back onto Lloyd, who's still searching in his books and scrolls, still trying to find an answer to get Kai back

Zane: I wonder what's driving him like this...

Lloyd falls to the ground, from pure exhaustion and sleep deprivation, his books and scrolls all around him

With Lloyd

Nothing... Again!.. He can't find a single thing, not about the place Kai is trapped in and not even where Jay is!

I mean, Jay is also missing!? He's the only ninja that they haven't found yet... And PIXAL of course... But she's samurai X. But still, now he has to find Jay, Pixal AND KAI.He HAS to, he's the leader, it's his responsibility!

he's getting angrier at himself, his mind is starting to crack, his guilt makes the burden on his shoulders feel heavier, his thoughts start to wander and his focus on the task at hand, is starting to deteriorate. the stress is starting to get to him, as all of his friends are missing and/or in trouble...and he has no idea where and if they're alive... he's starting to break

Arin walks up to Lloyd

Arin: Hey- uhm... Lloyd? are you ok?..

he takes a few breaths, trying to regain his composure

Lloyd: fine, just fine...he's starting to lie to himself at this point, not even accepting the fact that he's breaking

Arin: A you sure? You know you can tell us anything..

he looks at Arin, he wants to admit it and tell him that he's not fine...but he doesn't want to show a sign of weakness... he's the team leader, he has to be strong...or at least pretend to be

Lloyd: I'm fine...everything's good......

Arin just sighs and goes over to Sora, Wyldfire and Riyu 

Arin: I feel like there's something he isn't telling us..

Sora looks at Arin

Sora: I think so too, but...Lloyd doesn't like to reveal his problems to the team...he says he doesn't like the idea of looking weak infront of think he's going to try to hide it until he can't anymore...

Arin: Yeah, but, I don't think he'll agree.. he looks over to Wyldfire who is playing with the scroll-worms

Wyldfire continues playing with the scroll-worms

Wyldfire: I mean...he's trying to stay strong...right?...

Sora: Yeah but people can't stay strong forever

Riyu nods

Arin: you have a point there...but...he wants to try to stay strong, as long as he don't know if we can convince him to take a break or anything...

Ninjago storybookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon