Chapter 49

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Pov maerya Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen flies over to eurons fleet burning it to the end of the sea . Maerya at the other hand flies over to the  ballista that killed rhaegal and burning it with the men standing by it , after that they both slowly fly over the the gates . Burning the gates down to the ground so there's an entrance for the northern men , unsullied and the Dothraki to come through for to attack
Daeneys and maerya start burning more Lannister outside the walls of kings landing a while after that Daenerys and drogon land on a house of kingslanding and maerya lands next to her "this what you've wanted since" "since the death of margeary and olenna"nodded maerya and now it will happend

The smallfolk all yell for the bells to ring m , ring the bells! Ring the bells!!! Maerya looks around her all of those afraid people but no bells are ringing until they are . Daenerys glances over to maerya before she starts flying to the red keep , maerya takes a deep breath in and follows her all maerya thinks about now is all the people she's lost to Cersei , margeary, olenna even Robb stark and catelyn tully that had been nice and let her came in their home and the Lannisters ruined that for her . Daenerys starts burning city's in kings landing , as does maerya .

They part ways as they burn the city's of kingslanding, part for part , streets by streets , home by home , human by human. Maerya has the same pain her stomach as she did before by Varys death , she almost loses grip off nyrax . Nyrax notices that her rider is hurting so she lands on a roof of a house . Maerya closes her eyes for a vieuw seconds and takes deep breaths . Daegox lands by her and roars at maerya with concern. Maerya opens her eyes to see Daenerys burning down the red keep "Nyrax sōvegon issa naejot se beach" (nyrax fly me to the beach)she said to nyrax

Nyrax flys her to the beach , she notices someone fighting there . Maerya lands there notices it is jamie Lannister and Euron Greyjoy the person she would love to see  die"dracarys"she said burning Euron alive , she has been waiting for that a long time . Maerya falls of nyrax , she stands up slowly and walks to jamie "what are you doing here , weren't you supposed to be in winterfell with Brienne?"asked maerya "I can't leave Cersei to die"he said . Maerya starts laughing in confusing "there's absolutely no way Cersei is gonna survive this and even if you make it out of here Daenerys will find you and make you burn to ashes"said maerya , maerya looks at nyrax "I am giving you a choice , leave now and survive or be burned alive as this sucker right here"she said looking at eurons dead burning body "you won't"he said not believing her . Maerya laughs "i am not joking"said maerya . Jamie looks behind him "your a smart men , don't make a foolish choice for a cunt like Cersei"said maerya "don't call her that"he said "I give you 10 second to make your choice"Saïd maerya . As she starts counting down he runs back to his boat and drives away at the sea "smart choice"said maerya before falling on the beach

"No no I need to help Daenerys"said maerya to herself insisting that she would help Daenerys , she gets up and climbs on nyrax and flys away . Maerya notices Daenerys standing watching over the unsullied, it is over? Maerya climbs of her dragon , Daenerys looks concerned at her "I haven't seen you after I went to the red keep"she said with concern m "I just had some pain"said maerya "are you okay?"she asked , maerya smiles and nods slowly watching the Dothraki and the unsullied cheering for their victory

"ānogar hen issa ānogar ao mirre ry aōha promises naejot issa ao ossēntan issa enemies isse pōja āegenka suits ao tore ilagon pōja dōron lenton ao emagon issa se sīkuda dārȳti" (Blood of my blood you kept all your promises to me you killed my enemies in their iron suits you tore down their stone houses you have me the seven kingdoms ) Daenerys said , maerya looks at drogon roaring cheering for Daenerys "Torgo nudho Ao emagon walks paktot issa pār se plaza hen hoskagon ao issi se bravest hen vali se olvie pazavor hen mentyr nyke brōzi ao jentys hen ry issa forces naejot se queens āeksio hen vīlībāzma" (You have walks beside me since the plaza of pride you are the bravest of men the most loyal of soldiers I name you commander of all my forces to the queens master of war) she said looking at greyworm. She turns back to her army "Dovaogēdy ry hen ao istan torn hen aōha mothers ñōghe se raised hae slaves sir ao issi liberators ao emagon daerēdas se people hen dārys tegorīr hen se grip hen nykeā tyrant yn se vīlībāzma iksos daor toliot īlon jāhor daor ilagon ilagon īlva spears ēva īlon emagon liberated ry se people hen vys hen ropatasōnar naejot dorne hen lannisport naejot qarth hen se jaedos isles naejot se jade embar"
(Unsullied all of you were torn from your mothers arm and raised as slaves now you are liberators you have freed the people of kings landing from the grip of a tyrant but the war is not over we will not lay down our spears until we have liberated all the people of the world from winterfell to dorne from lannisport to qarth from the summer isles to the jade sea)

Daenerys takes a deep breath in "ābrar, vali se riñar emagon suffered tolī bōsa gōvilagon se grevy jāhor ao pryjagon se grevy rūsīr issa?" (Women, men and children have suffered too long beneath the wheel will you break the wheel with me?) she said . Her armies start cheering for her

Tyrion Lannister walks behind them " your freed your brother you committed treason"nagged Daenerys "I freed my brother and you slaughtered a city" Daenerys turns to him, he takes of his hand of the queen pin and throws it infront of her . Everyone goes silent "Gūrogon zirȳlal (take him) she said . Two unsullied men take him with him , Daenerys walks away , maerya takes one loos back at kingslanding and then back at Daenerys.

Maerya looks confused to see Arya stand there "what are you doing here, hey what happend"asks Jon "I came to kill Cersei"Saïd Arya "your queen got there first"Saïd Arya "she's everyone's queen now" "try telling Sansa"she said "wait for me outside the city gates I'll come find you"said Jon "Jon she knows who you are who you really are you'll always be a threat to her and I know a killer when I see one"Saïd Arya .

Maerya walks to them "Daenerys loves him I can see it , she won't be a threat to the north"said maerya "maerya"said Arya "I have something for you"Saïd Arya . Maerya looks confused at her "I heard this blade belongs in your family"Saïd Arya . She brings out a blade "catspaw?"said maerya . She hasn't seen that blade until her mother told her about it "it is yours now"Said arya , maerya smiles "I last saw this blade when I was 15 , my mother named me heir before she was even queen, but she knew I could be a good queen"Said maerya "she named you heir?"asked Jon . Maerya nods "I was her first born child"said maerya "aren't you scared Daenerys would kill you"asked Arya . Maerya looks confused "No I don't , she's family I don't kill family , the only family I killed were the enemies"said maerya . Arya nods "you were my favorite next to visenya Targaryen"Saïd arya , maerya laughs at her comment "I always looked up to visenya I had a sister called visenya"said maerya smiling thinking back about her stillborn sister that sadly passed away by birth "you did"asked Jon "I did , I just never talked about her after she died"said maerya looking at the blade "where did you go after you burned a vieuw houses?"asks Jon "I had extremely pain in my stomach , I couldn't almost do anything, besides dragons feel what their dragons feel so nyrax stopped" said maerya. Jon looks at one of the unsullied "she needs to be checked on"he said "I'm fine"she answered m "is not like I can die"added maerya before walking away

Maerya decides to visit Tyrion Lannister "I didn't think you would come to see me"he said "is not that I want to but I needed to tell you something"said maerya walking into the room "that is?"asked Tyrion curiously "I let you brother leave, your brother is still alive"said maerya "what?"asked Tyrion in confusion "I saw him fighting at the beach with Euron i gave him a choice. Hé choice the right answer"said maerya

Tyrion avoids eye contact with maerya "I have something to confess to"he confessed . Maerya turns to him "that is?"asked maerya raising an eye brow "Jon snow is most likely to shove a knife in her heart"said Tyrion with a smirk . Maerya can't believe her ear "what, you are lying , Jon wouldn't"she said "i wish I was lying but it has to be done , I convinced Jon to do it"he said . Maerya shaking her head "no no no no"she said before running out of the room
,  when she is outside , she sees drogon flying away with a body in his claws , Daenerys Targaryen body "no"she yelled in tears  , collapsing to the ground beneath her "no it can't be"she cried out to herself , her last family and friend , death . The last person she cared about , she cannot believe it . Maerya lost everything dear to her , agian.

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