Chapter 2

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Pov maerya Targaryen
The passing days bring a noticeable chill to the air, a harbinger of the approaching winter. With each passing moment, Maerya Targaryen feels one step closer to her journey to Winterfell. Maerya reaches into her bag, her fingers carefully drawing back the fabric to reveal her dragons' eggs. One is a pristine white, while the other is as fiery red as blood. Her eyes trace over their surfaces, her thoughts drifting to the day she might witness them come to life. She smiles, imagining the moment when the eggs would hatch and the dragons would be born into the world once more. The thought of meeting Catelyn Stark again fills her with a mixture of excitement and nostalgia.


Maerya Targaryen and Olenna Tyrell find themselves seated together in the tranquil solace of the garden. Maerya, displaying her impatience, inquires, "And why are we sitting here, waiting for a girl who was betrothed to the king?" The mention of Sansa Stark brings mixed feelings, and Maerya's question hangs in the air,

Olenna's explanation lingers in the air as she states, "We are here to determine if that king is good for Margeary" Maerya, however, cannot contain a chuckle at the mention of Joffrey. "Joffrey is a piece of shit," she declares, her tone laced with disdain. "He's a usurper, a cunt of a  king. I can't understand how the people of King's Landing love him or how anyone could possibly like him." Maerya's words reveal her strong distaste for Joffrey, highlighting her negative perception of his character.

Olena caution Maerya, her voice filled with concern, "Mae, be careful. If one of Cersei's guards hear you say that, you could end up with your head on a spike." Her words serve as a reminder of the potential consequences
Maerya's laughter echoes through the garden, and she responds confidently, "They could try that." She then turns her attention to Olenna, seeking her opinion. "Do you want a Targaryen back on the throne?" she asks, her question hanging in the air. Olenna considers her options before answering firmly, "Not me. No." But Maerya interrupts her, adding a new detail, "There are a Targaryen across the narrow sea, aren't there?"Olenna's laughter fills the air, and she offers a sarcastic remark, "I would be surprised if they make the Dothraki horses run over water" maerya chuckled

Sansa and Margeary approach, and Sansa offers a polite curtsy in greeting. Margeary introduces them, stating, "Lady Sansa, it is my honor to present my grandmother and my sweet sister, Lady Olenna and Lady Mae of House Tyrell." Both Olenna and Maerya offer warm smiles in return,

Olenna extends her hand and gently says, "Kiss me, child." Sansa approaches and places a soft kiss on Olenna's hand. Olenna continues, her voice softening with sympathy, "It's so good of you to visit me and my foolish flock of hens. We're very sorry for your losses." Her words convey genuine concern and compassion,

Maerya observes Sansa, taking in her beauty as she had heard. She chimes in, "And I was sorry to hear of Lord Renly's death, lady Margeary. He was very gallant." Sansa responds with grace, acknowledging Maerya's words, "Very, very gallant." A faint smile graces Maerya's face as the conversation continues, highlighting Sansa's sweet nature and Maerya's subtle sarcasm.

Olenna's voice carries a hint of sarcasm as she responds, "Gallant, yes, and charming, and very clean. He knew how to dress and smile, and somehow, this gave him the notion he was fit to be king." Margeary defends Renly's character, stating, "Renly was brave and gentle. Father liked him, and so did Loras and Mae." The conversation becomes an exchange of contrasting opinions,

Olenna continues to speak, "Loras is young, and very good at knocking men off horses with a stick. That does not make him wise. And Mae lets men know when she does not like them but does not let them know if she does." Maerya smiles, acknowledging the truth behind Olenna's words, especially the last part.

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