Chapter 5

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Pov maerya Targaryen
The sound of the rain pouring relentlessly outside filled the air, its presence amplified in the stillness of the tent. Brynden Tully entered, his expression grave as he commented on the weather's impact. "That rain will cost us another day," he stated with a tinge of bitterness. Maerya responded with sarcastic remark, her voice laced with dry humor. "Really?" she replied,

Catelyn's smile lingered after Maerya's comment, a moment of shared humor in the midst of tense discussions. Edmure chimed in, expressing certainty about Lord Frey's willingness to wait. "Frey will wait," he asserted. Catelyn added her perspective, offering a descriptive term for Lord Frey's demeanor. "Lord Walter is prickly by nature," she stated. Edmure's retort followed, his tone laced with cynicism. "Prickly? That's what you call it?" he asked, his voice laced with incredulity. "Might be the least pleasant man I've ever met" he concluded

As the conversation continued, Maerya's thoughts swirled silently in her mind, grappling with the implications of her upcoming marriage to one of Lord Frey's sons. "And I am going to marry one of his sons," she thought to herself, the reality of her fate slowly sinking in.

The dialogue continued, as Brynden shared his harsh assessment of Lord Frey's character. "Yes, and that's why it is," he stated, with a hint of disdain in his voice. He then added, "I've seen wet shits I'd liked better than Walden Frey." The room fell silent for a moment before Robb Stark entered, accompanied by Talisa Maegyr.

"Apologies, Your Grace," Brynden spoke, attempting to justify his blunt language. "I suppose I've spent too many years around lancers and pikemen." Talisa then chimed in, her voice filled with determination. "I've spent the last two years nursing wounded men, watching them bleed and die," she asserted. "I'm not afraid of wet shits." Maerya's confusion was evident, as she questioned, "Why are we talking about wet shits?" her bewilderment adding a touch of levity to the conversation.

"because of the lord Frey is a" Before Brynden could finish his thought, Catelyn intervened, her tone serious. "Lord Frey will take this delay as a slight," she warned, recognizing the sensitivity of the situation. The room fell silent,

Edmure Tully's response came quickly, his voice carrying a hint of irritation. "He can take it as he likes" Edmure retorted. "He's going to get the weddings he wanted" Catelyn, her gaze fixed on Robb, added, "He's getting a wedding" her tone laced with a touch of resignation. "It was a king he wanted" she emphasized,

" lord Frey will take this delay as a slight"interrupted catelyn brynden "he can take it as he likes he's getting the weddings he wanted"said edmure Tully "he's getting a wedding" said catelyn while looking at her song Robb stark "it was a king he wanted"she added . Robb stark takes a deep breath in "edmure and mae is the best match a Frey has had in the history of their house we should all get some sleep"said Robb stark

Robb Stark let out a deep breath, his thoughts centered on the matter at hand. "Edmure and Mae is the best match a Frey has had in the history of their house," he stated matter-of-factly. Robb then added, "We should all get some sleep"

As they all stood up, Robb Stark's words echoed in the air. Everyone exchanged polite farewells, and Maerya offered a warm smile as she bid her own. "Have a great night," she said,

Maerya reached her tent, a place of solace and contemplation amidst the chaos around her. As she looked at her dragon eggs, a wave of nostalgia washed over her. The memories of first laying eyes on those priceless treasures filled her mind, evoking a sense of wonder and connection. Reflecting on the distant past, she thought about the egg her mother had chosen for her when she was born. "It was so long ago," she mused, her thoughts filled with a mix of tenderness and yearning for the days gone by.

As Maerya reflected on the past, a pang of nostalgia tugged at her heart. She yearned for those happier days, a simpler time when life seemed less complicated. The memories of laughter, joy, and familial love filled her mind, but there was a bittersweet undertone to her reminiscences. "If I could just get one wish," she mused, "I'd wish to go back to those happy days with my family again." Unfortunately, as much as she longed for that bygone era, she knew she was stuck in the present, facing the harsh realities that came with growing older.

As she gently placed a cloak over the precious dragon eggs, Maerya's thoughts involuntarily drifted towards her first husband, the shadow of her past casting a gloom over her present reflections. The bitter memories of her failed marriage came rushing back, the pain and betrayal from those dark days resurfacing with a vengeance.

Catelyn Tully entered the tent unannounced, breaking Maerya's reverie. "Hello, Catelyn," Maerya replied, turning to face her. Catelyn held a letter in her hand, a hint of accusation in her voice. "You stole them," she stated. Maerya's gaze shifted back to the dragon eggs, a look of confusion on her face. "I stole what?" she asked,

Catelyn's tone was firm as she confronted Maerya about the dragon eggs. "The dragon eggs - that's why you didn't want anyone to look in your bag or your tent." Maerya's response was defiant, a hint of irritation in her voice. "And?" she asked. Catelyn's voice grew stern as she continued, "I'm grateful that you're marrying Lord Frey's son, but after this wedding, you'll leave. I will not have my son in more danger than he already is"

Maerya let out a mirthless laugh, There was a hint of irony in Catelyn's voice as she spoke, her words carrying a mix of resignation and irony. "You should be happy the letter came to me first and not to my son"she said, placing the letter in Maerya's hands before abruptly exiting the tent. Maerya was left standing there, holding the letter in her hands,

Maerya felt no fear as she held the letter in her hand. Cersei Lannister and Joffrey Baratheon were distant threats, She wasn't the type to cower in fear, especially not from those sitting on the Iron Throne.

Maerya slowly approached her dragon eggs, her thoughts conflicted. With a momentary glance at the letter, she made a quick decision and tossed it into the fireplace behind the eggs. The flames consumed the parchment, reducing it to ashes as her focus returned to the precious dragon eggs before her.

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