Chapter 35

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Pov maerya Targaryen
Tyrion followed Daenerys to her dragons and Maerya's, his expression filled with concern. "You can't," he protested. Maerya's voice cut through the air as she responded, her tone resolute. "She can," she said, her faith in her sister evident in every word.

Tyrion argued vehemently, his voice filled with urgency. "No, she can't," he protested. "The most important person in the world can't fly off to the most dangerous place in the world" Maerya's response was firm and confident, her belief in her sister's abilities unshakeable. "She isn't in danger if she is with me and five dragons," she argued. Tyrion's warning echoed through the air, his words filled with a sense of impending doom. "They knew the risks when they left," he said, his voice tinged with a note of desperation. "You can't win the throne if you're dead. You can't break the wheel if you're dead"

Daenerys turned around, her expression filled with a mix of frustration and determination. "So what would you have me do?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of irritation.
Tyrion responded with a matter-of-fact tone, his words carrying a touch of harsh reality. "Nothing," he answered. "Sometimes, nothing is the hardest thing to do"

Maerya's voice cut through the tension, her words tinged with a hint of sarcasm. "Clearly, the boring thing to do," she said dryly. Tyrion's tone became more intense as he spoke, his words emphasizing the gravity of the situation. "If you die, we're all lost," he stressed. "Everyone, everything"

Daenerys' voice rang with conviction as she retorted, her tone strong and determined. "You told me to do nothing before, and I listened to you," she said, her voice filled with a trace of defiance. "I'm not doing nothing again," she declared "Besides," she continued, her gaze flickering towards Maerya, "I have Maerya flying by my side."

With a swift, graceful movement, Daenerys climbs onto Drogon, her slender figure settling onto his back with practiced ease. The massive dragon's scales glimmered in the sunlight, his wings stretching out wide in anticipation.

Maerya moved towards her dragon nyrax and daegox , the determination etched on her face. Tyrion followed behind her, his voice filled with a mix of pleading and worry. "Please," he implored, his words laced with a sense of desperation. Maerya's response was firm and resolute, her voice filled with an unwavering determination. "I won't let her die," she said, her words laced with a steely resolve. With a confident step, she climbed onto Nyrax, her hand resting gently on the dragon's scales.

Nyrax's wings stretched wide as Maerya settled onto her back, a sense of harmony between rider and dragon evident in their seamless unity. From their elevated vantage point, Maerya and Nyrax locked eyes with Daenerys and Drogon, silently communicating their readiness to embark on this dangerous journey together.

The air filled with the sound of flapping wings as Daenerys and Maerya soared through the skies, their destination set towards the coldest region beyond the Wall. The biting chill grew with each stroke of their wings, the harshness of the wind a harsh reminder of the northern extremes. As they flew, the Wall came into view, standing tall and majestic against the backdrop of endless snow and ice. With a sense of determination, the pair continued on their journey, leaving behind the familiar lands of Westeros for the unknown coldness beyond the Wall.

As Maerya soared through the cold skies, a sense of unease washed over her as she thought back to the dream she had experienced the previous night. She silently hoped that it was not a premonition of things to come, a mere figment of her imagination rather than a glimpse into her future.

As they descended into the fray, Daenerys and Maerya stumbled upon a harrowing scene of battle. The undead, cold and relentless, fought against the living with unwavering determination. In the midst of the chaos, Daenerys' expression grew shocked as she looked at Maerya, her eyes widened with a mix of surprise and disbelief.

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