Chapter 31

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Pov maerya Targaryen
Jon , Daenerys and maerya walk out of the cave with Tyrion and Varys waiting for them outside "what is it?"asked Daenerys "we took casterly rock"said Tyrion "great"said maerya "that's very good to hear"Saïd Daenerys . They look down at the sand "isn't it?"asked Daenerys "they killed olenna Tyrell , and" "they what"asked maerya "they killed " "I heard you the first time"said maerya walks away . She cannot believe it ,

Daenerys walks to maerya "he told me what happend"Saïd Daenerys not smiling at all she seems irritated "you'll want to discuss amongst yourselves perhaps"asked Ser devas "you'll stay , all my Allies are gone , they've been taken from me while I've been sitting here on this island"Saïd Daenerys "you still have the largest armies" "who won't be able to eat because Cersei had taken all the food from the reach"interrupted Daenerys Tyrion "call greyworm and the unsullied back , we still have enough ships to carry the Dothraki to the mainland , commit to the blockade of kingslanding we have a plan it's still the right plan"said Tyrion . Daenerys turns around to Tyrion "the right plan? Your strategy has lost us dorne , the iron islands and the reach, I should have stuck with maeryas plan and burning Cersei to the ground"Saïd Daenerys "if I've underestimated our enemies" "our enemies? Your family you mean perhaps you don't want to hurt them after all"Saïd Daenerys , Daenerys looks at the dragons flying around the sky , maerya smiles when she sees drogon and nyrax playing together "enough with the clever plans , I have 3 large dragons and maeryas dragons , I'm going to fly them to the red keep"Saïd Daenerys "good plan"said maerya "we've discussed this" "my enemies are in the red keep , what kind of a queen am I if I'm not willing to risk my life to fight them"asked Daenerys "a smart one"said Tyrion . Daenerys looks at Jon snow "what do you think I should do , I could follow Tyrions plan or follow maeryas plan . What would you do? What's your plan?"asked Daenerys "I would never presume to" "Im at war and I'm losing , what do you think I should do?"she asked agian "I never thought that dragons would exist agian , no one did , the people who follow you know that you made something impossible to happen , the both of you by the way"he said looking at maerya "'maybe that helps them believe you can make other impossible things happen , build a world that's different from the shit one they've always known , but if you use them to meld castles and burn cities you're not different you're just more of the same"said Jon snow "what do you want her to do , go to kingslanding and show off the dragons and you think they'll bow?"asked maerya "no , I meant that she would show the people that she is different"said Jon snow , maerya sighs and walks away

Maerya is on her favorite place on dragonstone , her brother Luke would sit there and talk about the most stupidest things but it was nice , now she's sitting there all alone , with almost lost everyone she ever loved , only Daenerys and missandei still live and maerya is planning to keep that the way it is , else she wouldn't know if she would keep herself clear . She had thought something what would happen if they died , she would think about burning whole westerosi and leaving it behind , but she knows that Daenerys won't die that easily , not with maerya by her side

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