Chapter 40

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Pov maerya Targaryen
Theon Greyjoy kneels infront of Daenerys "my queen"Said Theon "your sister"asked Daenerys concerned "she only has a few ships and she couldn't sail them here so she's sailing to the iron islands instead to take them back in your name"Said theon "and why you aren't with her?"asked maerya confused . He looks at Sansa "I want to fight for winterfell lady Sansa if you'll have me" she runs to him and hugs him , Daenerys smiles at me as she walks out of the room

A bell goes off , people from the wall . Daenerys and maerya watch as Jon snow welcome the men that came of the wall "I don't think Sansa likes me very much"said Daenerys "why do you think that is"asked maerya "it is just , I had a conversation with her and it seemed to be going well and then it switched"said Daenerys "it doesn't matter if she likes you , you are the queen wether she likes it or not if she's smart she needs to decide to like you"said maerya "you're right im the queen"said Daenerys. Maerya turns to Daenerys"after all this is over we need to go to kingslanding and make Cersei get of the that throne "said maerya "we will"said Daenerys smiling .

"They're coming , we have dragon glass and valyrian steel but there are too many of them far too many our enemy doesn't tire doesn't stop doesn't feel we can't beat them in a straight fight" said Jon snow around the table "so what can we do"asked Jamie "burn them"said maerya "that would help to stop them for a bit but the knight king made them all they follow his command if he falls getting to him may be our best chance"said Jon "if that's true he'll never expose himself"said Jamie "yes he will"said bran , they all look at him "he'll come for me he's tried before many times with many three eyed ravens"he said "why what does he want"asked Sam "an endless night he wants to erase this world and I am it's memory "he answered "that's what death is isn't it? Forgetting. Being forgotten, if we forget where we've been and what we've done we're not men anymore just animals , your memories don't come from books your stories aren't just stories if I wanted to erase the world of men I'd start with you"Said Sam

Daenerys looks at maerya "won't he come for maerya also?"asked Daenerys "she lived long , she has a lot of memories"she added "she can't die , it would be pointless"Saïd bran "how will he find you"asked Tyrion "his mark is on me he always knows where I am"he said showing a mark on his arm "and his telling us this now?"asked maerya confused "we'll put you in the crypt where it's safest" "no we need to lure him into the open before his army destroys us all I'll wait for him in the gods wood"said bran "you want us to use you as bait"asked Sansa "we're not leaving you alone out there"Said Arya "he won't be , I'll stay with him with the ironborn"Saïd Theon , looks at bran "I took this castle from you let me defend you now"he added , bran nods "we'll hold off the rest of them for as long as we can"said ser Davos "when the time comes Ser Davos and I will be on the walls to give you the signal to light the trench"Saïd Tyrion "Ser Davos is perfectly capable of waving a torch on his own you'll be in the crypt"said Daenerys, maerya chuckles on that "your grace I have fought before I can do it agian alongside the men and woman risking their lives"said Tyrion "there are thousands of them and only one of you , you can't fight as well as they can but you can think better than any of them , you're here because of your mind if we survive I'll need it"said Daenerys

Tyrion nods slowly sighing "the dragons should give us an edge in the field"said ser Davos "if they're in the field they're not protecting Bran , we need to be near him not too near or the night king won't come but close enough to pursue when he does"said Jon snow "dragonfire will stop him?"asked Arya turning to bran "I don't know no one's ever tried"Saïd bran "we're all going to die"said tormund, he looks at maerya "only this girl will survive"he said "doesn't make me feel any better"said maerya "let's get some rest"said Jon snow looking down , everyone leaves but maerya Daenerys and Jon "your grace"he said before leaving the room "he does act weird"said maerya , Daenerys nods "he does"

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