Chapter 19

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Maerya Targaryen

After traveling for a considerable period, they finally reached Meereen. The journey had taken some time, and Maerya had managed to persuade Lord Varys to accompany her.
As they arrived at the gates of Meereen, the city loomed before them, its ancient walls and towering structures a testament to its rich history and culture.

Maerya's eyes fixed upon the formidable stone pyramid that loomed before her. This was the place where the Dragon Queen, Daenerys Targaryen, supposedly rested.

Maerya furrowed her brows as she considered the question, her gaze flitting towards Lord Varys. "So how are we going to convince a Targaryen queen that I am family of hers?" she wondered aloud.

Lord Varys chuckled softly, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Your dragons," he echoed, his voice laced with amusement

Maerya's brow furrowed further as she took in Lord Varys' words. "I am not going to give her my dragons," she asserted firmly, her tone brooking no room for argument. Lord Varys raised an eyebrow at her adamant response. "I didn't mean that," he clarified, a smirk playing on his lips. "I meant that the mere sight of you, a Valyrian with dragons, will be enough to prove your claim to Daenerys Targaryen"He continued"Your connection to the blood of Old Valyria will be enough proof for the dragon queen"

"Well, it does not matter," Lord Varys chimed, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "We're going to see her in an hour." Maerya's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, really?" she gasped, her astonishment evident.

Lord Varys nodded in confirmation, "yes," he repeated. Maerya's thoughts turned to her beloved dragons, and a sense of urgency overtook her. "Well, I am going to find my dragons," she declared, already picturing the magnificent creatures soaring through the skies. "They might be flying around somewhere," she added, her voice filled with determination.

Nyrax and Daegox, the two young dragons, had been playing together nearby. Maerya's voice broke through their fun-filled encounter as she addressed them "Okay, Nyrax and Daegox," Maerya instructed, her tone firm yet gentle. "Be nice to the dragons, Queen, or Daenerys, or whoever they are," she added. "Be nice," she repeated, emphasizing the importance of their behavior.

Nyrax tilted her head and let out a low growl, her expression somewhat defiant. Maerya observed her young dragon, a hint of irritation in her eyes "Yeah, not like that," Maerya clarified, a touch of impatience in her voice. "Nice, like I said," she reiterated, stressing the importance of their manners.

Nyrax laid down on the grass, seemingly content to rest. Maerya stood nearby, a troubled expression on her face as she pondered her next move "How am I gonna do this?" Maerya murmured to herself,

Daegox playfully nibbled on Nyrax's wing, drawing a low growl from her. Nyrax swatted at Daegox in response, their playful banter escalating momentarily. Maerya watched the interaction between the two dragons, a mixture of amusement and a hint of anxiety on her face.

Lord Varys' voice broke through the air, cutting through the scene of playful dragons. "It's time," he announced,  Maeroya nodded in response, her steps aligning with Lord Varys'. They walked side by side, their footsteps echoing softly against the stone floors.

Maeroya Targaryen and Lord Varys stood outside a door, their breaths bated as they prepared for the moment. Before them stood a group of Unsullied men, their expressions stoic and unwavering.

With a firm but composed demeanor, Maeroya turned to the Unsullied. "Stand guard," she instructed, her voice steady yet authoritative.

The Unsullied men looked at the dragons with a mixture of surprise and wariness "Don't worry" maerya  assured them, her tone gentle. "They do not bite"  Her voice held a hint of fondness as she referred to her dragons,

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