Chapter 11

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Pov maerya Targaryen
As Joffrey's voice boomed through the air, demanding silence and attention, his words echoed with a sense of grandeur. "Everyone, silence!" he commanded, his tone firm and authoritative. "Clear the floor! There's been too much amusement here today. A royal wedding is not an amusement. A royal wedding is history. The time has come for all of us to contemplate our history, my lords" With those words, the mouth of the golden lion sculpture opened, a clear signal that the events were about to begin "My ladies, I present to you," he began, his voice laced with a hint of dramatic flair. "King Joffrey, Renly, Stannis, Robb Stark, and Balon Greyjoy—the War of the Five Kings"As he spoke, a procession of little people dressed in costume resembling the key players in the war burst out of the golden lion sculpture, each taking their respective roles.

Maerya tilted her head slightly, studying the little person portraying Robb Stark with a discerning eye "Robb Stark is much more handsome," she observed

The actor playing Joffrey took charge, commanding the scene with authoritative fervor. "Let the war begin," he declared, his voice ringing out with a sense of purpose.

The actor portraying Stannis stepped forward, his voice filled with a mixture of determination and indignation. "Renly, you're no king," he declared vehemently, his words echoing through the air

Maerya chuckled softly, her gaze fixed on the ongoing theatrical spectacle before them. "This has to be one of the most boring royal weddings I've been to"she muttered under her breath to Olenna.

Olenna laughed heartily, her eyes glinting with amusement at Maerya's observation. "Have you been to many, dear?" she inquired, a smile playing on her lips "Well, mine was of course better," Maerya started. "But this one is so..." Before she could finish, Olenna chimed in with a biting remark. "Lame," she concluded, her eyes glinting with amusement "Indeed," she echoed, her voice dripping with a touch of disdain. "Lame"

Maerya's frustration grew as the Robb Stark actor engaged in battle with the Greyjoy actor, the lackluster display doing little to assuage her irritation. "I want to pick out my eyes for having to watch this," she declared, her voice filled with a hint of exaggeration. Olenna nodded in agreement, her expression mirroring Maerya's disappointment. "As do I," she chimed in, her voice tinged with equal distaste.

The appearance of actors portraying Catelyn stark and Maerya  Targaryen on the stage caught Maerya's attention, her gaze fixated on the sight before her, A sense of excitement filled Maerya's voice as she observed the unfolding spectacle on stage. "Now this is getting interesting," she remarked, her tone filled with curiosity and intrigue. She watched intently as the actors portraying Catelyn and Maerya Stark played their roles,

The actor playing Catelyn Stark uttered a plea, her voice filled with desperation. "Please, don't kill me, son," she implored. In response, the actor portraying Maerya Stark took charge, her tone firm and insistent. "We need to go, sweet Catelyn," she declared,

Maerya couldn't contain her amusement at the scripted dialogue, shaking her head at the words attributed to her. "Sweet Catelyn, I never even said that," she muttered, Meanwhile, The actor playing Catelyn Stark exclaimed in feigned despair as the Frey actor approached and slashed her throat. "Oh no, my life!" she cried out, her voice filled with theatrical melodrama.

The Frey actor moved towards the actor playing Maerya Targaryen, his steps deliberate and purposeful. He then spoke, his voice carrying a hint of triumph and mockery. "Now, you're the lost Targaryen," he taunted, before swiftly mimicking the act of slashing her throat "That cut was sorely unsurpassed in perceived painfulness," she remarked dryly,

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