Chapter 15

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Pov maerya Targaryen
Ser Gregor Clegane, more commonly known as the Mountain, approached them with thunderous strides. He towered over both Olenna and Maerya, his massive figure casting an intimidating shadow.

"The Mountain" Olanna murmured, her eyes narrowing as she observed the fearsome warrior Maerya's words echoed through the air, her voice tinged with a mix of resignation and curiosity. "Well, Tyrion Lannister must be dead already," she stated, her eyes narrowing as she pondered the outcome of the trial. Margarey, standing beside her, let out a low sigh before speaking. "This is going to be painful," she replied, her tone laced with an air of unease.

Maerya words hung in the air, a touch of resignation in her eyes "You're right," she agreed "There is not a chance in a million that Oberyn will win against a man like that. Ser Gregor Clegane is known for his brutal and ruthless fighting methods"

Olenna's voice cut through the air, her tone steady and firm. "Most people say he is the most dangerous man in Westeros," she echoed, her gaze flicking towards Ser Gregor.

Tywin Lannister's commanding voice filled the room. "In the sight of gods and men, we gather to ascertain the guilt or innocence of this man, Tyrion Lannister," he commenced, his gaze fixed upon the spectators. "May the Mother grant them mercy" he continued, his voice measured and authoritative. "May the Father give them such justice as they deserve, and may the Warrior guide the hand of our champion"

Tywin Lannister gestured for the bells to be rung, signaling the beginning of the trial. The Grand Maester disappeared from view as the sound of the ringing bells filled the air. Olenna and Maerya exchanged a brief glance, a silent understanding passing between them.

Oberyn moved with practiced grace, his weapon twisting in a captivating display. The spectators watched in awe, clapping and cheering as he finished. Maerya's eyes widened as she watched the Dornish warrior's movements. She had never seen someone fight quite like him before. The grace and fluidity of his stance was both mesmerizing and ominous,

Oberyn's confident question hung in the air as he stood facing the monstrous Ser Gregor Clegane: "Have they told you who I am?"
Ser Gregor Clegane, his voice deep and menacing, responded to Oberyn's question with a confident "Some dead man." However, his reply was interrupted as he launched a powerful strike toward Oberyn.

Oberyn managed to dodge the attack, his movements quick and agile "Impressive" murmured Maerya, a sliver of admiration in her voice. "Tyrion might not be dead yet" Olenna chuckled dryly, her expression laced with skepticism. "Not even in his sweetest dreams would he have stood a chance against the Mountain," she replied, her tone dry and knowing.

Oberyn circled around Ser Gregor Clegane with purpose, his voice low and laced with venom. " I am the brother of Elia Martell," he declared, his eyes glittering with a mix of anger and determination. "Do you know why I have come all the way to this stinking shit-pile of a city, Ser Clegane?" Without missing a beat, Oberyn lunged forward, striking at the colossal warrior with calculated movements "for you" he said
Clegane lunged forward with a brutal strike, but Oberyn swiftly dodged the blow, his movements quick and graceful. The spectators watched in awe as the Dornish warrior evaded the Mountain's attack with apparent ease.

Oberyn continued to circle Clegane, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and determination. "I'm going to hear you confess before you die," he stated, his voice cold and unwavering. "You raped my sister. You murdered her. You killed her children" His words echoed through the arena."Say it now, and we can make this quick," Oberyn urged, his gaze locked on Clegane.

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