Chapter 20

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Pov Maerya Targaryen
Maerya found herself sitting next to Daenerys, a sense of awkwardness and uncertainty enveloping her. The silence hung heavily in the air as she struggled to find the right words to say.

Maerya's thoughts raced through her mind, as she observed Daenerys' reactions. She understood that the situation was strange and confusing, and that it must be disconcerting for Daenerys to have someone come into her life claiming to be a member of her long-lost family.

The air was still fraught with tension as Daenerys posed her question, her voice tinged with confusion. "So how are you my family again?" she inquired. Maerya let out a sigh, acknowledging the complexity of her situation. "Long story," she replied simply, her tone carrying a hint of resignation.

"I have time," Daenerys responded, her voice steady and expectant. Maerya took a deep breath, recognizing that the responsibility for explaining the tangled web of her family history fell upon her shoulders "Very well," Maerya began, her voice measured. She paused, collecting her thoughts before delving into the complicated tale. "Where to begin..." she mused aloud, her eyes staring into the distance as she mentally sorted through the events and details that had led to this moment.

Daenerys listened intently as Maerya recounted her tale, her expression a mixture of intrigue and disbelief. When Maerya finished speaking, Daenerys sat there in silence for a moment, taking in the multitude of details and revelations.

Finally, Daenerys raised her gaze to look at Maerya, her eyes narrowing slightly. "I have one question," she said, her voice betraying a hint of curiosity "Ask me?" repeated Maerya, her gaze locking with Daenerys' eyes, awaiting the inevitable question.

As Daenerys posed her question, her voice laced with curiosity and a hint of hope, Maerya paused for a moment, considering the complexity of her reasons and motives.
"Why, after all this time of not believing in Targaryens, thinking that their destiny is to fail," Daenerys continued, her words tinged with both skepticism and longing, "Why did you come to me to help me?"

Maerya chuckled as the words left her lips, her tone tinged with amusement at the truth behind her presence in Meereen. "Honestly," she explained, her voice laced with a hint of sarcasm. "Varys brought me here because I'd probably face a lifetime of torture in King's Landing." She paused, her eyes meeting Daenerys' gaze. "And He told me great things about you" she added, a subtle hint of approval in her tone.

Daenerys regarded Maerya with a quizzical look, her expression filled with skepticism and intrigue. "And you believe him?" she queried, her tone tinged with uncertainty Maerya let out a smile, a mixture of confidence and resignation playing across her face. "I don't know," she admitted honestly. "I hope you are," she added, her eyes locking onto Daenerys'. "Else you'll fall into madness just like most Targaryens" Daenerys paused for a moment, then responded, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Did you fall into madness?"

As Maerya was about to respond to Daenerys' question, the unexpected knock on the door interrupted their conversation. "Come in?" called out Daenerys, her voice echoing through the room. As the door opened, Maerya's gaze fell upon the figure that emerged and entered the room. Her eyes widened slightly as she recognized the person ,it was Ser Barristan. The kingsgaurd

As Daenerys stood up and moved towards Ser Barristan, Maerya followed suit, rising from her seat. "Ser Barristan," Daenerys addressed him, her voice firm and authoritative "Yes, your grace," Ser Barristan responded, his voice filled with respect and loyalty.

Ser Barristan turned his gaze towards Maerya, his eyes studying her intently, as if appraising her presence and identity. After a moment of careful consideration, he nodded his head slightly. "I believe she is, your grace," he affirmed, his voice tinged with conviction.

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