Chapter 42

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Pov maerya Targaryen
The bells go off , maerya walks to Daenerys and Jon snow . Jon snow looks at them and nods , they walk to their dragons on a mountain. Daenerys walks to maerya "Jon told me he is a Targaryen"she said , maerya looks confused at her "what?"asked maerya "he told me his father is rhaegar Targaryen and his mother lyanna stark"she said "so that would mean" "he is the true heir"said Daenerys "I don't think he wants it"said maerya "I hope so"she said looking back at him behind us "bran told me something strange to"said maerya "that is?"asked Daenerys "that after all this , I would get pregnant again atleast I think that's what I meant"said maerya , now Daenerys looks confused at her "how , who?"asked Daenerys "my first husband , when I died for the first time , he told me that I'd live for ever and that he could not see the child be born in war so he made a deal with the witch that the baby would grow after the Great War and that's this"said maerya smiling looking into the distance . Daenerys hugs maerya "if it is true it would grow up in a good world"said Daenerys

Jon snow walks to them , they watch as the swords in the distance turn on fire "that's insane"said maerya "it is"said Daenerys . The Dothraki horde runs into the distance. Fire balls flow through the sky at the distance. The Dothraki stops and their light go slowly out , they runs slowly back the winterfell. Jon snow stops Daenerys from walking to her dragon "the night king is coming"he said "the dead are already here"she said walking to here dragon . Maerya and Daenerys climb on their dragons

The death reach the armies , Jon Daenerys and maerya fly over the death army and burn them . They fly into the distance Jon snow notices the white walkers stand there . They fly into to them but a big storm of coldness and ice appears at them "dracarys"said maerya trying to burn the white walkers but she can't see where they are . Daenerys keeps burning dead men with Jon , Daenerys and jon almost crush into eachother because they can't see, maerya sees that their army fall back to winterfell . Maerya looks around and doesn't see Jon anywhere , maerya stays close to Daenerys to not lose her

A big fire comes from the trenches, maerya and Daenerys start burning more death men as the army goes to the walls of winterfell. Daenerys notices the night king on viserion Daenerys death dragon . Daenerys follows the night king up into the sky , maerya follows her as does Jon snow . When there all up in the sky there is no sign of the night king . Viserion flys up to Daenerys and bursts out ice cold fire at Daenerys . Maerya flys to the night king and says "dracarys" trying to burn him of the dead viserion. The night king flys into the clouds agian , Daenerys looks at maerya and flys then into the clouds to following the night king

They follow the night king . The night king burns the walls of winterfell down , rhaegal attacks viserion with Jon on its back. Daenerys  helps Jon making the night king fall of viserion , Daenerys and maerya follow the night king ,we notice him standing on the ground . Daenerys looks at maerya and they both nod "dracarys"they say as the dragons burst out dragonfire on the nightking . Maerya notices Jon snow walking to the first , as the fire slowly burns out they see that the night king is still alive . He picks up a Speer "Daenerys watch out"said maerya as the night king throws the Speer , the Speer misses her

Jon snow walks to the night king ready to fight him but the night king puts his arms in the air , as he does so maerya watches the dead people stand up agian "what the"she said to herself. Maerya is searching for Daenerys but she can't find her but when she does she sees dead men trying to get her on drogon . Maerya can't burn them as she would hurt drogon and might even hurt Daenerys. Drogon flys away , maerya follows them when she reaches close enough to see them she notices that Daenerys isn't on drogon back anymore "oh no no no"she said to herself turning back to winterfell as fastly as she can

When she returns she sees Jorah help Daenerys fight the dead, maerya burns the death around them . A Speer flies pasts maerya what makes maerya her and nyrax fall to the ground the last thing maerya hears is nyrax and Daenerys screaming "maerya!!"

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