Chapter 44

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Pov maerya Targaryen
Maerya stirred from her slumber, her breath quickened and her brow damp with sweat. She glanced around the room, her eyes still adjusting to the dim light, and noticed Ser Podrick standing nearby. His voice broke through the silence, calling out to her, "Princess" Maerya's eyes widened, her voice laced with disbelief and relief as she asked, "We survived?"Ser Podrick nodded, a smile curving his lips as he confirmed, "We did"
Maerya's eyes widened further at his answer,
the surprise evident on her face. "How?" she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper.
Ser Podrick chuckled softly, a hint of amusement in his eyes as he replied, "Arya Stark killed the Night King"

Maerya shifted her gaze forward, a smile tugging at the edges of her lips as the realization of their victory sank in. Despite the chaotic events that had unfolded, they had emerged victorious against the Night King. However, a pang of sadness washed over her as she reflected on her own predicament, realizing that she had fallen off her dragon during the battle.

"Queen Daenerys wanted to see you after you woke up"Before Podrick could finish, Maerya interrupted him, her eyes filled with determination. "Nyrax," she spoke firmly, the name of her dragon leaving her lips like a call to action. With a sense of purpose, she rose from her bed and walked towards the door,

Podrick's words reached her ears, his reassurances cutting through her initial worry. "Your dragons are perfectly fine," he said, his voice steady and reassuring. "Nyrax has only a big scratch at one of her wings, but it won't kill her, we assume"Maerya paused for a moment, her concern partially alleviated by his information. With a mixture of relief and curiosity, she asked, "And Daegox?"
Podrick's warm smile widened as he replied to her question about Daegox. "We think he is trying to comfort Nyrax," he said, a hint of fondness in his voice. The image of her two dragons, one tending to the other in their time of vulnerability, stirred a range of emotions within her.A sense of determination steeled Maerya's voice as she inquired, "Where is Daenerys?" Podrick, understanding her question and urgency, replied with a simple directive. "Follow me, Princess," he said, gesturing for her to accompany him. Without hesitation, she fell into step beside him, her thoughts consumed with the desire to speak with the queen.

Maerya slowly made her way towards them, taking in the sight before her. Queen Daenerys knelt before the body of their fallen comrade, her lips gently brushing against the head of the late Ser Jorah Mormont. The scene struck a chord within Maerya, her own emotions mingling with the evident grief on Daenerys' face. Maerya's voice quivered as she stated the obvious. "He died," she said, her words tinged with sorrow and disbelief. Podrick nodded in agreement, his expression solemn. "He did," he affirmed,

As Maerya took in the scene around her, her gaze fell upon Sansa, the young Stark girl now crouched over Theon Greyjoy's lifeless body, tears streaming down her cheeks. The losses they had endured during their battle against the dead weighed heavily upon them all,

Jon Snow stepped forward, his voice carrying a profound weight as he addressed those present. "We are here to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters, our fathers and mothers, our friends, our fellow men and women who set aside their differences to fight together and die together," his words echoed through the air. "Everyone in this world owes them a debt that can never be repaid," he continued, his eyes scanning over the faces before him. "It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory for those who come after us and those who come after them, for as long as men draw breath"

"They were the shields that guarded the realms of men," Jon Snow proclaimed, his voice filled with reverence. "And we shall never see their like agian" A solemn silence followed his words,

Maerya stood silently, her eyes fixated on the heart-wrenching scene before her. Jon, Sansa, and Daenerys each placed the lifeless bodies on fire, the flames crackling and dancing as they slowly engulfed the fallen warriors. The atmosphere was thick with sorrow and grief as the pyres burned, the smoke rising high into the air as a somber tribute to their lost comrades. As Maerya stood there, witnessing the pyres burn, her thoughts drifted back to her own past experiences. Death was no stranger to her, and the harsh reality of its inevitability weighed heavily on her mind. Over the years, she had seen her fair share of loss and suffered her own share of pain. There was no escaping death, no way to avoid it. It was an ever-present companion, a shadow that followed them all.

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