Chapter 18

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Pov maerya Targaryen
A man stationed by the entrance to the brothel, upon hearing Tyrion's suggestive remark, chuckled and gave Tyrion a playful rub on the head. "It's even better luck to suck a drawf's cock," Tyrion quipped, his words met with the man's gleeful expression. However, as quickly as the man's smile had appeared, it vanished. He nodded and opened the door, allowing the trio to pass through into the heart of the brothel.

Tyrion spread his arms wide, presenting themselves to their surroundings. "See, we blend right in," he said with a smirk. Maerya rolled her eyes at his statement. "No, you do. I don't," she rebutted, her tone laden with defiance. Confused, Tyrion shot back a question. "Why not you?" he asked. Maerya chuckled sardonically before responding, "Because I am a Targaryen, I have some self-respect" Tyrion posed a question to Maerya, his voice tinged with curiosity. "Why are you here, then?" Maerya retorted, a hint of sarcasm in her tone. "Because if you die of too much drinking, I want to be there," she replied, her words punctuated by a wry smirk. In response, Tyrion rolled his eyes, clearly not amused by her comment.

The group settled around a table, taking their places as a woman gracefully approached, bearing drinks in her hands. She delivered the first drinks to the men before turning her attention to Maerya, placing a drink before her with a smile.

"I thought women would go first," Maerya remarked, a hint of disbelief in her tone. In response, Tyrion chuckled and countered, "Have you never been in a brothel?"Maerya smirked and slightly tilted her head. "No, I have never gone to a brothel in my long years," she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Of course, I have. Do you think I didn't have a life before this?" Tyrion chuckled at Maerya's retort, his expression lightening for the moment "Well, you like to see an imp drink himself to death"

A woman, clad in a blue dress and sporting a silver blond-haired wig, caught Tyrion's attention. "What curious hair," he commented, his voice tinged with curiosity.Maerya, observing the wig, raised an eyebrow and quipped, "Is that supposed to be a Targaryen?"
The woman wearing the silver blond wig spun around to face Maerya, her eyes scanning her from head to toe "You know, if you're going to play a Targaryen woman" Maerya began, her tone dripping with feigned politeness, "at least wear red and black; it matches more with the colors of the house"A man in the back piped up, addressing Maerya with a hint of excitement. "The Mother of Dragons," he exclaimed.

Maerya, caught off guard and slightly flustered, forced a chuckle. "Seven hells," she muttered, "I might want to drink myself to death, well, if I could, I would" The woman, still sporting her Targaryen wig, sauntered over to the men. "Well, at least you're not the only Targaryen supporter," Tyrion quipped, his tone laced with dry humor. Lord Varys added, "Someone who inspires priests and whores is worth taking seriously," his voice tinged with a hint of admiration.

Tyrion chimed in with a smirk, his tone laced with mock concern. "Well, she's taken," he said. Maerya's expression twisted into a look of disgust as she stood up abruptly. "Seven hells," she muttered, "I'm going to feed my dragons before I have to see more of this wannabe Targaryen girl, whatever it may be"

As Maerya stood up to leave, a man positioned himself firmly in her path. "Daenerys," he said.
Maerya, feeling a moment of confusion, instinctively turned around to face him, her brows furrowed in slight irritation.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not a whore," Maerya retorted with a smile, gesturing towards the silver-wigged woman nearby. "That one over there can satisfy you more" Despite her attempt to move away, the man firmly blocked her path, his hand reaching out to grab her arm.

The man continued urgently, his voice betraying his emotion. "Daenerys, it is me Jorah" he said, his eyes pleading. Maerya, her confusion evident in her expression, responded with a bewildered whisper "Jorah?"He nodded in confirmation. "Yes, it is me," he replied, a mixture of relief and hope etched on his face.

Maerya turned to Jorah with a sense of finality in her tone. "Have fun here tonight, Jorah," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of resignation.
Without another word, she swiftly turned away and left the brothel, leaving a bewildered Jorah behind.

Maerya, after tending to her dragons, found herself both exhausted and exhilarated. She had fed them, ensuring their well-being, but the task had taken its toll on her. Though she cherished the moments spent with her beloved dragons, the responsibilities of caring for them were taxing. Back in her own time, Maerya recalled that the Dragonkeepers were the dedicated caretakers of her beloved dragons. They were responsible for their feeding, grooming, and overall well-being. She remembered the ease of having their support, allowing her to focus on other matters without the constant responsibility of dragon care.

Lord Varys, his face etched with concern, approached Maerya at a swift pace. "We have a problem," he exclaimed, his voice urgent ,Maerya turned towards Varys,

"You ran all this way from the brothel to me," Maerya quipped, a hint of sarcasm in her tone.
Lord Varys, undeterred by her remark, retorted urgently. "Do not joke," he implored. "We have a serious problem" Maerya's expression shifted instantly, her jesting attitude replaced by a flicker of worry. "Do tell," she responded, her voice now laced with trepidation.

"I lost him, Tyrion," Lord Varys declared, his frustration evident. Maerya, her earlier sarcasm replaced by a flicker of genuine annoyance, retorted, "Great job you did" Varys shot back a firm reply, his words tinged with urgency and irritation. "I said, do not joke," he stated emphatically.

"Well, I'm not joking," Maerya quipped, a smirk forming on her lips as she continued. "I think he is probably fucking some whore" Varys couldn't help but roll his eyes, his irritation growing. "That's joking," he retorted, his voice dripping with dry mockery. Maerya shot back a defiant look, her expression serious. "It is not joking when it's true," she stated matter-of-factly, her eyes holding his gaze.

"Did you see him?" Varys inquired, his voice tinged with skepticism. Maerya shook her head firmly in response. "Absolutely not," she reiterated, her tone clear. "I was feeding my dragons"

"What now?" Varys asked, his voice tinged with resignation. Maerya's expression turned pensive, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. "Well, I want to see how special this Dragon Queen of yours" she stated, a mixture of determination and intrigue in her tone.

"So, you want to leave," Varys stated, his voice laced with frustration. Maerya responded with a simple mhm, her determination unwavering. Varys protested emphatically, his voice laced with urgency. "No, we can't leave without Tyrion," he insisted "Well, if he was kidnapped, he's probably dying," Maerya stated matter-of-factly. "His wish right?" she added with a touch of sarcasm "Now let's go to your Dragon Queen," Maerya declared, her voice filled with determination.

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