Liu/Sully x male reader

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Y/n woke up and quickly sat up looking around his ears ringing and his head hurting, he groaned and reached up to his face feeling liquid running down his cheeks as memories started flooding his head, he shakily stood up and stumbled a bit falling back down his hand landing in a shallow stream beside him, he sighed and cupped the water in his hands drinking some before using the rest to wash the blood off his face that was dripping from his eyeless holes, he took a deep shaky breath and got back up hearing birds singing in the trees and the leaves rustling softly in the wind as the warm morning sun touched his skin burning it softly making Y/n wince as he moved back against a tree staying in the shadows panicking a bit "ok, ok. this is bad" Y/n breathed as he tried looking around but couldn't see anything, he took a deep breath through his nose and slowly let it out before he heard a loud demonic howling echo around him "you cant stay hidden forever little pet, I'll find you" he heard a deep growl like voice whisper through the trees before he heard loud snapping coming from nearby making him quickly get up and take off running, he ran until he tripped over a root and rolled down a hill making him groan as his head hit a rock "Y/n! where are you!" he heard a feint voice call through the trees making him sit up "Liu" Y/n breathed as he got up but something small and childlike jumped onto his back knocking him down "there you are, we're not done playing yet" what sounded like a little girl giggled before Y/n gasped as he felt sharp claws in his back and blood leak through his top before his hair was grabbed and his head was pulled back "lets play a game" the voice whispered in his ear as Y/n tried to stay calm "you have one hour to find your friends and stay hidden from us, if you loose. we get your soul" the voice giggled before Y/n felt the weight move from his back making him scramble to his feet "ten seconds to start running. ten, nine, eight" the voice counted making Y/n take off running again the words getting feint "Liu!" Y/n called as he tried to listen for his voice but heard nothing, he sighed and took off running again the snaps from the twigs and crunching of leaves seeming to send a small pulse out allowing Y/n to see the outlines of things.

He stopped a bit later panting and leaning on a tree before he clicked his tongue sending out a pulse allowing him to see everything within twenty-five feet of him "at least I'm not completely blind" he sighed before he heard a childlike giggle not far off making him take off again "Y/n!" he heard Liu calling now sounding closer "Liu" Y/n called before the creature tackled him knocking him to the floor "you cheated!" it screeched as it grabbed Y/n's hair then quickly put its claws to Y/n's neck "I don't like cheaters" it whispered as it slowly dug its claws into Y/n's neck making him gasp as he felt his blood leaking out, he grabbed the creatures arm noticing it was furry and animal like before he let out a strained gasp of pain as the claws dug in deeper "Y/n!" Liu called before Y/n felt the creature being pulled off him letting more blood pour from the wound in his neck as he tried to breath but his mouth and throat were filling with blood making him choke a bit "Y/n, Y/n" Liu said sounding like he was trying not to panic as he put his hand over the wound and tried to stop the bleeding "I-I'm so-sorry L-Liu" Y/n managed to cough out "no no, just stay awake please" Liu panicked with tears streaming down his face before he felt Y/n go limp.

Y/n woke up a few weeks later and groaned softly as he felt a fluffy blanket under him, he sat up a bit and held his head as he felt dizzy before he heard the door practically slam open making him jump before he was tackled in a hug "Liu you could hurt him more, get off!" he heard a deep but soft quiet voice growl from the doorway "Liu?" Y/n asked his voice scratchy "I'm here, we're at Hel's place" Liu said as he moved and sat next to Y/n "how you feeling?" Hel asked as he lifted Y/n's head a bit to check over the bandage around his neck "dizzy, hazy" Y/n mumbled as he felt the bandages around his eyes move a bit "you nearly died, what happened how did you end up there?" Liu asked making Y/n rub his head as the ringing was back shooting through his brain like a bullet "I-I don't remember" Y/n said as he started to panic a bit "hey calm down, breathe" Hel said softly as he put his cold hand to Y/n's head making the pain slowly stop as Y/n took a few deep breaths "your minds blocked out the memories" Hel said as he put his claws to Y/n's neck making him jump back and crawl away a bit hyperventilating "ptsd, rest and calm down, I'll go get you some food. Liu avoid talking about what happened" Hel said before he walked out the room, Liu softly stroked Y/n's hair and whispered in his ear calming him down "there we go" Liu said softly as he wrapped his arms around Y/n letting him cuddle into his chest "how long have I been here?" Y/n asked as he chewed on his thumb "two weeks, we didn't know if you'd make it" Liu said softly as he turned the tv on "how did I make it? how did you get me here?" Y/n asked, Liu sighed softly "I made a deal with Hel, if you didn't make it the deal would be void" Liu said softly making Y/n look up "what kind of deal? what did you do?" Y/n asked as he sat up "don't worry about it, your ok just focus on healing, we'll go home as soon as Hel says you can" Liu said but Y/n shook his head "what did you agree to?" he asked again "I have to work off my debt, in his club. its nothing to bad I just have to wear an outfit and work the bar sometimes walk around and flirt with people" Liu said making Y/n growl softly "its fine, its ok. he's going to pay me and I get to keep the tips" Liu said "he owns your soul until its paid off doesn't he?" Y/n said hearing Liu sigh "yeah, but its fine, he could have asked for a lot worse. if it meant you'd be ok I'd pay any price he asked" Liu said as he gently stroked Y/n's cheek "as long as you don't have to sleep with anyone I guess" Y/n sighed as he lay down "hopefully not, just get some rest" Liu said softly as he kissed Y/n's head.

Hel walked back in with a bowl of food and handed it to Liu "when can I take him home?" Liu asked as he helped Y/n sit up "next couple of days, you can use the apartment across the hall until your debts paid, Y/n will need to come back every few days so I can check his healing" Hel said as he walked to the door "thank you" Liu said with a small smile as he helped Y/n eat before he heard Hel walk out and close the door "what happened to my house?" Y/n asked "it was burned down, not sure how" Liu said softly making Y/n sigh softly "I think I was fighting something, I remember hearing a voice and shouting, then I think I was thrown but I landed in a cave on a pile of bones" Y/n said as he held his head the pain slowly starting to come back "hey hey, don't push yourself. your mind blocked it out for a reason" Liu said softly as he put the bowl down "get some sleep" Liu said softly, Y/n sighed and lay back down then pulled Liu down and wrapped his arms around him "I love you" Liu said softly as he cuddled up to Y/n "I love you to" Y/n mumbled as he held Liu a little tighter and slowly fell asleep.

creepypasta x male reader one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang