Devin x male reader

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Y/n groaned softly and opened his eyes before he quickly sat up and held his head "Y/n, take it easy" Devin said from next to him making Y/n look over "what happened?" Y/n mumbled "I don't know, ben and Jeff saw a bright light fall from the sky and found you in a crater when they got there" Devin said as he handed Y/n some water "that's why my head hurts" Y/n sighed as he took the glass and drank the whole thing "what happened? you've been gone for nearly ten years" Devin asked "its foggy, will probably take time for all my memories to come back" Y/n sighed as he got up and stretched "ok, I'll make you some food just take it easy" Devin said as he got up and led Y/n through his small hospital and to a metal door at the back "so what do you remember?" Devin asked as he unlocked the door and walked up the concrete steps with Y/n behind "a few images and sounds, a lot of pain to" Y/n said as he scratched his arm "what sounds?" Devin asked as he walked into his apartment and to the small kitchen area "birds, loud roaring I think, and some kind of giant bird" Y/n said as he sat at the counter and watched Devin start to make food "do you remember what the land looked like? any names or people?" Devin asked as he glanced over watching as Y/n thought for a second before he shook his head "no, not yet. but I feel like there's a reason I'm here again" Y/n sighed as he rubbed his head messing up his h/c hair "do you remember your mission?" Devin asked as he plated the food and put it in-front of Y/n "I'm starting to, but no" Y/n said as he started to eat "well I'll have to monitor you for a while make sure there aren't any side-affects, will you be willing to stay for a while?" Devin asked as he sat opposite Y/n "sure, don't have anywhere else to be" Y/n shrugged as he finished his food "so what did I miss?" Y/n asked as Devin cleaned up "not much, Slender's been stressing a lot, everyone else has been ok, there's been a few more realm tares but they've managed to kill whatever came out" Devin said as he led Y/n over to the sofa and sat down turning the tv on "realm tares, that's why I was there?" Y/n asked as he sat down and stretched out.

After a few hours Devin had gone to bed and Y/n was laying in his bed in the spare room staring at the celling, he sighed and got up pacing around and chewing on his finger as a few memories flashed in his mind and replayed, he sighed and rubbed his head before hearing feint voices coming from the hospital downstairs, Y/n walked over to Devin's room and peaked in seeing him fast asleep in bed cuddling a fluffy pillow, Y/n walked away and walked to the steps seeing a feint flickering light in the cracks before another voice called out making Y/n walk down as Devin peaked out his bedroom, Y/n pushed the door open and walked in seeing a ball of light slowly floating around the room as Devin quietly walked down the steps, Y/n's left arm started to glow a feint blue as a few symbols on his arm lit up and burned slightly before the ball stopped and quickly flew over to Y/n stopping just in-front of his face making him gasp softly and step back as he held his arm, the ball floated over to one of the beds and seemed to rest on it before it started letting off a low humming sound then called out 'Y/n...' Y/n slowly walked over as Devin watched from the doorway biting his lip, Y/n reached out and touched the glowing orb making it glow so bright Y/n and Devin had to cover their eyes as the light got feint before going out, Y/n uncovered his eyes and saw the ball was now a small shimmering puddle on the bed with something shining in the middle, Y/n slowly reached in his hand going deeper then it should be able to and grabbed the object making his eyes light up a pale blue as many other strange symbols on his body started appearing and glowing, Y/n fell back holding the object as the small puddle quickly fizzled and dried up with a small child like scream, Devin walked over and knelt by Y/n checking over him "Y/n" he said as he stroked Y/n's hair watching as the symbols started to fade and his eyes faded back to e/c before he blinked and sat up coughing "Y/n are you ok?" Devin asked "I'm fine, I remember now" Y/n said as he pulled Devin onto his lap making him blush and hold onto his shoulders "how much do you remember?" Devin asked as he tilted his head a bit "everything" Y/n said as he opened his hand showing a small diamond ring "I never got to give this to you" Y/n said looking up at Devin to see him smiling with a few tears running down his cheeks before he pulled Y/n into a long kiss.

Y/n woke up in the morning in Devin's bed with Devin cuddled to his chest asleep with the ring on his left hand and they were both naked, Y/n smiled and turned onto his side wrapping his arm around Devin's waist as his other was under his head and pulled him closer making Devin groan softly as his crimson eyes fluttered open "Y/n" he mumbled as he ran his hand over Y/n's chest, Y/n hummed and gently rubbed Devin's hip "I have something I need to do" Y/n said softly as Devin drew small patterns on his chest "what is it?" Devin asked "I know why the realm tares are appearing, its an old god calling for help the only way they can" Y/n said making Devin sigh softly "if its calling for help like this it must be important, we'll go tell Slender later. why don't you tell me about the realm and what happened?" Devin asked as he turned them over so he was sitting on Y/n's lap making him groan softly "you sure that's what you want?" Y/n asked with a smirk as he ran his hands up Devin's thighs "I just want more of you" Devin said before he pushed Y/n into him making him groan "fuck" Y/n breathed as he lifted his hips making Devin moan as he started bouncing "Y/n~" he moaned as he put his hands on Y/n's chest and bounced a little faster before he rolled his hips making Y/n groan and dig his nails into his hips as Devin moaned and bounced rolling his hips, Y/n groaned and quickly put Devin on his back before he slammed back into Devin and thrusted hard and fast listening as Devin's moans got louder and he clawed at Y/n's upper arms making him groan and pant softly before he grabbed Devin's hips and pulled them back making Devin let out a loud moan as he arched his back and twitched "Y/n more~" he moaned looking at Y/n with his crimson eyes clouded over in lust, Y/n shivered and grabbed Devin's hips using them to pull him back with every thrust making Devin moan louder and turn his head to the side as he reached down stroking himself, Y/n smirked and leaned over Devin pulling his hair back and kissing over his neck and collar before he bit down making Devin moan and shake as he tensed and came a little getting on Y/n as he groaned and twitched "Y/n~" Devin breathed as he had a little drool leaking down his chin before he pulled Y/n into a kiss and tightened his legs around his waist as he tangled his fingers into Y/n's hair tugging a little and moaning into the kiss feeling Y/n's thrusts get faster as he twitched again, Devin moaned and pulled back from the kiss letting Y/n rest his head on his shoulder "Y/n~ uh Y/n~" Devin moaned in Y/n's ear making him groan before he slammed in as deep as he could and came making Devin shiver as he collapsed to the bed panting and covered in sweat, Y/n groaned and sat up brushing the hair from his face as he panted softly then glanced down at Devin to see him shaking softly making Y/n smirk before he grabbed Devin's hips and pulled them back making him moan softly "I cant take more~" he moaned as Y/n started thrusting again "not even a little more?" Y/n asked making his voice a little deeper making Devin whimper softly, he went to say something but it was drowned out by his moans as he wrapped his legs around Y/n's waist and lifted his hips a bit making Y/n hit his prostate making Devin moan loud and Y/n smirk as he lifted Devin's hips and abused that spot making him moan and cry out as his eyes rolled back and he dragged his nails down Y/n's back leaving long deep scratches making him groan "we're far from done my love, I want you screaming my name" Y/n said in Devin's ear making him moan and whimper as he dragged his nails down Y/n's arms in pleasure.

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