Slender x male werewolf reader

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Slender sat in his office chair with his head in his hand as he mindlessly wrote on a piece of paper when he felt that his proxies needed him, he quickly got up and teleported to the woods where they were to find the three boys panting and leaning on a tree, "boys, what is wrong?" Slender asked "something big and hairy bit me, I touched this crystal ice thing and it split open and this big dog like thing stepped out, it looked scared then it bit me and ran off" Toby said as he was the first to catch his breath, "that thing was no dog, it stood up on two legs, it was at least as tall as you slender, before Toby ran over screaming that he saw a big black dog, then it jumped out at us and ran off on all fours, we barely got a look at it" masky said, just then they all heard a loud howl from somewhere close by, Slender seemed to pale before he teleported them back to his office.

"boys, what you encountered was a wearwolf, and not just any normal wearwolf either" Slender sighed as he paced around his office, "what do you mean?" Toby asked, Slender stopped and sighed "he was the first child I found, well, he found me he showed me how to hide from humanity, but I found out the hard way what he was" Slender sighed sitting down as the boys did the same "his real name is y/n, but his code name is the silver wolf, or the beast of deadwood forest, he told me that he was cursed as a child, been turning into this creature since he was twelve, said the woods are his, its his job to protect them and any humans who wonder into them are his to kill, he couldn't always control himself he'd shift when he got angry and he'd shift on full moons, and he's very difficult to calm down when he shifts" Slender said rubbing his head "why silver wolf?" Masky asked "because his fur is the colour of silver" Slender replied "what did you mean by not a normal wearwolf?" Toby asked "because most shifters turn into actual normal sized wolf's, he doesn't, he turns into a wolf that looks like a cross between a wolf and a human, he's elite, faster, stronger and smarter then he looks, he knows how to hide and he lives for the hunt, right now he's scared and doesn't know a lot about this world that he's just woken up in" Slender sighed rubbing his head "so what do you want to do about it?" hoodie finally spoke up "we need to get him here, safely. he needs to know who he can trust, he should recognise me, hoodie get your sniper ready with the strongest sedative you have, two to three darts in the chest should knock him out, then we just need to get him here, once he's knocked out he'll shift back to his human form, I shall deal with it from there" Slender said standing up, the three nodded and got up as well to help set up.

Slender stood in a clearing as hoodie hid in a bush close by making sure that there wasn't a glare from the scope on his sniper, Slender heard a low whining from the bushes by him "y/n" he said softly, a large silver wolf slowly stepped out of the bushes looking around panicked, Slender knelt down "hey y/n" Slender said softly, y/n whined and looked at Slender before his ears went up and he ran over, he nuzzled Slender and licked his hand as he pet him "my you have grown haven't you" Slender said as y/n lay on his back by Slender "we need to get you home, but you have to calm down and shift back ok" Slender said softly, y/n sat up and growled in hoodie's direction before he pulled the trigger, y/n yelped and growled before lunging for hoodie, hoodie shot the darts into y/n's chest, y/n landed on the floor by hoodie and tried to get up as the sedatives kicked in, Slender walked over and pet y/n as he passed out, Slender and hoodie watched as y/n's body shifted to his human form showing that he was curvy but also slim with some moderate muscle and toning, Slender covered him with a blanket and picked him up "thank you hoodie" he said before walking back to the mansion with hoodie next to him, once he got back Slender walked to his room and lay y/n on the bed before grabbing some clothes and dressing y/n.

y/n woke up a few hours later, he groaned and sat up a bit rubbing his e/c eyes, he looked around and sat up a bit more as Slender walked in "Slender, what's going on?" y/n mumbled rubbing his h/c hair "your home, in our room. your safe here" Slender said sitting on the bed by y/n "how long have I been frozen for?" y/n asked sitting on Slender's lap, Slender sighed and played with y/n's hair "too long" Slender mumbled resting his head on y/n's shoulder as he was about half the size of Slender, "you've got more of your little creatures here don't you?" y/n asked as he heard shouting "yes, I help them, most of them are murderers but I still take them in and guide them and use their talents. just as you did with me" Slender said softly, y/n smiled "I let you stay here with me because you are my mate" y/n smiled turning to Slender "yes, well I could have done with less trying to kill me on full moons" Slender smiled kissing over y/n's shoulder "well, you could send them out for the night" y/n suggested running his hands over Slender's shoulders "the night, I was thinking for the next few days" Slender purred running his hands to y/n's hips, he smiled "well then, you better feed me and send them away" y/n whispered in Slender's ear making him groan lowly. 

if you guys want a part two tell me in the comments.

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