Ticcy Toby x male reader

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Y/n woke up in the early hours of the morning from a nightmare, he groaned and sat up looking around seeing he was in his bed on the floor of the abandoned building he had been sleeping in for the last week, he sighed and got up pulling his boots on then his hoodie and packed his bed away, he stretched and walked over to the small burned out fire in the next room that had a deer leg hanging from a small bar next to it, Y/n pulled his knife out and cut off a bit of meat eating it before he cut off some more and put it in a small container and put it on the back of his belt before he grabbed a riffle off the floor and put it over his shoulder before he walked out and into the abandoned town, he walked down the streets and into the forest.

After a while of walking Y/n came across an old overgrown mansion with holes in the roof and it looked like one side had been badly burnt, Y/n looked around before he heard feint crying from inside, he pulled a small crystal out of his pocket to see it was glowing brightly, Y/n sighed and put the crystal away before adjusting his hood and walking in, he looked around to see feint blurs of people walking around and talking before he heard the cry again coming from upstairs, he walked up and got to a room near the end of the corridor and opened the door to see a young boy curled up in the corner crying, Y/n looked around before he crouched by the boy and touched his shoulder, the boy quickly moved back and looked up, he had brown hair and eyes with a chunk of his right cheek missing "don't worry, I wont hurt you" Y/n said moving back a bit and kneeling on the floor "w-who are you? wh-where am I?" the boy asked as his body twitched a few times, Y/n looked around a bit "my name is not important, do you remember yours?" Y/n asked looking back at the boy "Toby" Toby mumbled looking around "I d-don't recognise this p-place" Toby said wiping his tears away "it is a place you have yet to see, come" Y/n said standing up, Toby sighed and stood up "I got hurt didn't I?" Toby asked as he followed Y/n down the halls "yes" Y/n said as he walked down the stairs and to the doors, Toby looked around hearing feint voices talking "am I dead?" Toby asked walking over to Y/n who was waiting with the door open for him "yes and no" Y/n said walking out after Toby and pulling the crystal out.

"so w-what are you th-then? and what i-is this pl-place?" Toby asked as he walked through the trees with Y/n "this is the land of souls, I am here to guide you through" Y/n said as he helped Toby over a large log "so y-your like d-death?" Toby asked as they continued walking "no, death is my sister, I am just a guide for the souls" Y/n sighed as he glanced back at Toby who was scratching at his arm "it m-must get lo-lonely" Toby mumbled looking up at Y/n "I, I barely notice anymore. I've been alone for so long I don't even remember what the birds sound like" Y/n said as he crouched by a log and used the scope on the rifle to look around a few of the buildings ahead of them "c-cant you leave?" Toby asked crouching next to Y/n and looking over seeing he had s/c skin and his e/c eyes were calm and focused on one of the buildings as he zoomed in on the scope "I can, but I'm still looking" Y/n sighed putting the rifle on his back and standing up "l-looking for wh-what?" Toby asked standing up and following Y/n down the small dirt path to the buildings "my mate, he died long ago" Y/n said walking into one of the buildings "haven' y-you found him ye-t?" Toby asked as Y/n started setting up a fire "I did" Y/n said as he pulled a lighter out and lit the fire "w-what happened?" Toby asked sitting down "he decided that it would be better if I wasn't around him anymore, he wanted nothing more to do with me or this place" Y/n sighed as he set up a small rack over the fire as Toby chewed on his thumb "can't y-you find an-another one?" Toby asked looking over as Y/n placed a few more logs on the fire "I could, but I don't see the point anymore, I belong here. plus dealing with the living is not one of my strong suits" Y/n mumbled pulling out the meat from earlier.

"w-what happens to m-me now?" Toby asked as he moved closer "well, we rest here for a bit and in the morning I'll take you back to your body" Y/n said putting his rifle down and leaning his back on the wall and closing his eyes, Toby sighed softly and Y/n looked over as he stretched lifting his shirt a bit "w-why don't you come b-back for a bit?" Toby asked as Y/n looked away "why?" Y/n said getting comfortable "it mi-ght be a good idea" Toby mumbled moving closer, Y/n sighed "there's nothing up there for me, now get some sleep" Y/n said pulling his hood over his eyes, Toby sighed and lay down staring at the celling until he fell asleep.

Toby woke up in the morning to hear Y/n talking to someone, he groaned and sat up looking over to see Y/n talking to a near formless shadow, Y/n looked over and got up as the shadow faded with the wind "w-what's going o-on?" Toby mumbled rubbing his face still half asleep "nothing for you to worry about" Y/n said walking over and picking up his rifle "I fo-forgot to ask about m-my sister" Toby said standing up and wiping some of the dirt from his jumper and jeans "she is here, I will be seeing her next" Y/n said pouring some water over the fire "is s-she coming back to?" Toby asked as he followed Y/n out "no, she will go to her next life" Y/n said as he walked "c-can you tell her som-something for me?" Toby asked "sure" Y/n sighed as he adjusted his rifle on his shoulder "t-tell her that I l-love her, and I-I'm sorry" Toby said as Y/n stopped by a large tree with a hole at the bottom of its trunk just big enough for a person to get through "I will, you way home is through there. you have a lot of new people eager to meet you" Y/n said as he looked over the tree "w-will I see you a-again?" Toby asked, Y/n shrugged and looked down at him "you may, but you will probably forget me when you wake up" Y/n said leaning his rifle against the tree "why w-wont I remember?" Toby asked "it will be like this was all a dream, depends if you remember yours" Y/n said gesturing to the tree, Toby sighed and hugged Y/n "I'll re-remember, I promise" Toby said as he pulled back with a smile, Y/n looked into his eyes for a second and smirked at the small blush that creeped up Toby's cheeks "I will hold you to that" Y/n said pulling a small flower from his pocket and holding it out for Toby "for now, keep me in your dreams" Y/n said as Toby took the flower and turned to look at Y/n but he was gone and so was his rifle, Toby sighed and put the flower in his pocket and walked through the tree.

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