creepypasta x male oc reader

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Eyeless Jack was taking his normal route through the woods when he heard shouting, he stopped and climbed on a rock and lay flat to the rock, a short distance away he saw what looked to be a 19 year old run past a few trees before a shot rang out and the man gasped and fell forward he whined softly and a group of people with guns gathered behind the man "fucking freak" one of them shouted before sticking a make shift spear into the mans leg, he screamed before punching the ground and throwing himself up "I will not die here, not by you pathetic humans!" he growled before two large grey wings burst from his back and he laughed psychotically, the group of men stepped back and the man's hands turned into black claws with the black going up to his elbows, his fangs sharpened and his gold eyes with black where the white should be lit up like a blazing fire and his pale skin turned grey.

The man growled and opened his wings his feathers shooting out and taring the group of men apart as if the feathers were razors, the man stops and one of the men that survived starts trying to crawl away, the man walked over and put his bare foot on the guys back pushing him down "what are you?" the guy cried out tears running down his face "a monster" was all he said before the guy on the floor grabbed his gun and shot the man through the stomach, he stumbled a bit before grabbing the guy and sinking his fangs into his neck, the guy on the floor screamed before everything went quiet, the man pulled back and stood up, his wings folded back into his skin and he stumbled over to a tree looking weak, his arms were still black with the black claws and his skin still grey, he fell to his knees the damage he sustained getting to much and he fell to the floor "I'm sorry Toby" he breathed before he went limp.

Jack now had Slender next to him and they had watched the last part of the one sided fight, Slender walked over and picked the boy up carefully "well he isn't human, from the looks of how he is trying to heal even though he is dead he may not be able to die" Slender said sounding intrigued "what did he say before he died?" Jack asked looking the boy over "something about a Toby, we'll take him back with us and fix him up maybe then he can provide an explanation as to what he is" Slender said starting to walk with Jack, once they made it back they took the boy to the infirmary where Jack began to fix him up.

the boy woke up a few hours later just as Jack was stitching up a slash on his side, he shot up and kicked Jack away before moving towards the back of the room "hey, hey I'm not trying to hurt you, just calm down" Jack said softly, the man growled "ok, ok. here" Jack said pulling his mask off showing his grey skin and eyeless holes with the tar leaking down, the boy stopped growling and tilted his head slightly before pulling himself off the wall and carefully moving closer "there you go, why don't you sit down and tell me you name?" Jack asked "Alex" the boy said sitting down "ok, well Alex, what do you eat?" Jack asked "blood" Alex said, Jack nodded "I'll have to ask Slender to get some humans then if your ok with waiting a little longer?" Jack asked, Alex nodded and Jack called Slender into the room, "ah your awake child, are you feeling better?" Slender asked "what in the ever loving fuck is that" Alex said looking at Slender who sighed softly "I am Slender, I run this house there are a few things I need to talk to you about mainly this Toby person you spoke of after your fight" Slender asked "its my brother, I'm looking for him, we lost each other after the accident" Alex said but growled as Jack accidently hurt him as he was stitching him up.

"sorry" Jack mumbled "do you have a last name for this Toby?" Slender asked just as Toby showed up with a knife in his hand "Slender he d-did it again" he whined "Toby?" Alex asked, Toby looked over and grinned before tackling Alex in a hug knocking him backwards off the table "Toby, crushing me" Alex coughed out, Toby sat up "sorry" he said, Alex nodded and sat up "so our Toby is your brother?" Jack asked "yeah, our dad gave him up to get money for himself and he was experimented on and when we got him back he was fifteen but like this, and our parents couldn't keep up with his new dietary requirements" Toby said, Alex sighed and rubbed his head "yeah" he mumbled "ptsd?" Jack asked, Alex just nodded.

after a while Alex was in his new room the basement that he had requested due to not being able to go in the sun without an allergic reaction, "are you sure this is satisfactory?" Slender asked "its perfect, cold dark and soundproof" Alex said "also the chains make a nice place to hang my toys" he said "torture?" Slender asked, Alex nodded "it helps with the memory's and pent up anger" Alex shrugged laying on the small single bed in the corner, Slender nodded "I will send you out with Toby once it gets dark to get some food then I shall introduce you to everyone later, also I do have a guest coming over tomorrow evening and I would like if you could also get to know him" Slender said before walking out, Alex rubbed his head and changed out of his dirty and bloody clothes and into a grey hoodie and black jeans "you only trade one prison for another" he mumbled pulling the hood over his head and curling up falling asleep until dusk.

If you want more or a story made out of this chapter I will gladly write it. Also requests are very welcome as I'm in a rough patch of having nothing to write.

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