Ticci Toby x male reader

598 17 2

Y/n ran through the woods crying with a little blood on his hands, he tripped over a tree root and hit his head on a tree knocking him out as the snow started to fall covering the dying grass like a blanket as he lay there in the cold waiting for the sweet warm embrace of death as a pair of gold eyes watched from the trees. Toby climbed down from the tree and crouched by Y/n "is h-e alive?" he asked looking over at the glowing eyes, the figure stepped forward showing it was a shadow that stood about 6'4 with two large wings and small horns with a spinning halo of blood just above its head "barely" it spoke its voice soft and deep with a slight russian accent as it crouched down by Y/n and brushed the h/c hair from his s/c face showing the tear stains "Y/n?" Toby said as he pulled him over and checked over him "you know it?" the shadow asked as it stood up "he us-used to live d-down the road" Toby said as he checked over Y/n's hands making sure the blood wasn't his "bring him" the shadow said as it started walking away, Toby picked Y/n up and followed after trying to keep Y/n warm.

Y/n groaned softly and opened his eyes a bit seeing he was in a room with a fire going at the other end and was covered in a large fluffy bear skin blanket, Y/n sat up and rubbed his head as he looked around seeing the room looked old and wooden but well maintained and there were feint voices coming from outside the large wooden door before it opened and Y/n caught a glimpse of a large shadow as Toby walked in then closed the door "y-our up" Toby said with a smile as he walked over making Y/n move back a bit "oh r-ight. I'm T-Toby" Toby said as he sat on the bed but Y/n stayed quiet and watched him "you o-k?" Toby asked with his head tilted a bit as he shuffled a little closer before noticing a scar across Y/n's neck that looked like a rope was tied around it at some point "I'll get Sh-adow to take a l-ook at you" Toby said as he stood up then opened the door "S-Shad" he called "what?" Shadow sighed as he looked over from weighing some weed "he c-ant talk, or w-wont" Toby said as he lent on the doorframe, Y/n peaked round to see the same shadow he caught a glimpse of earlier and he quickly moved back making Toby look over "its scared, get it some food or something" Shadow said turning away making Toby sigh as he closed the door and walked back over "you d-on't have to be s-scared, do you rem-ember me?" Toby asked as he took his mask off and put it down, Y/n tilted his head a bit and crawled over before he took Toby's goggles off and ran his fingers over Toby's jaw then through his hair showing an old scar on his head just under his hair, Y/n tilted his head and sniffed Toby as he ran his fingers over it before he tackled Toby in a hug knocking them off the bed "Y/n!" Toby called in surprise, Y/n sat up and tilted his head with a smile as he made a purring noise "what ha-appened to you?" Toby asked as he sat up noticing Y/n was on his lap, Y/n thought for a second before he pushed Toby's jumper up and traced what felt like letters on his stomach "you c-ant talk?" Toby asked as he tilted his head a bit.

Y/n nodded before the door opened and a young looking man crawled in sniffing the floor as he wore a deer skull mask with small antlers, Y/n tilted his head and sniffed a bit making the man look over "Mikko leave them alone" Shadow said as he walked over "but I smell another wendigo" Mikko whined as he looked back out showing off his paper white skin and the crimson eyes underneath that left no white and looked like blood "w-endigo?" Toby asked looking back at Y/n who nodded and pulled his top down showing a large bite scar on his shoulder "he's young, and in heat" Mikko said before his ankle was grabbed and he was dragged out as the door closed "wait h-heat?" Toby said as he looked back at Y/n to see his e/c eyes flash red like Mikko's for a second as he nodded "guess I sh-ould get you s-some food and som-something to fuck" Toby sighed as he went to get up but Y/n pushed him down and pushed his jumper up "I'm n-ot a t-toy" Toby breathed before Y/n kissed him, Toby stopped and shuddered as the sweet irony taste of blood touched his lips calming him a bit before he kissed back and pushed his tongue into Y/n's mouth getting more of the taste, Y/n pulled back panting softly with a hungry lustful look in his e/c eyes making Toby shiver before he turned them over and pulled Y/n's top off as Y/n wrapped his legs around his waist before Toby pulled him into another kiss pushing his tongue in making Y/n squeak a bit as he ran his hands up Toby's jumper and over his chest feeling something poking him making him shiver as Toby pulled back and licked his lips "you taste s-sweet" he said before he pulled Y/n's top off and quickly kissed down Y/n's chest making him shiver and let out a small moan before he pushed his hips back and gave Toby his best puppy eyes.

Toby smiled and got up then picked Y/n up and dropped him on the bed making him bounce a bit as Toby pulled his jumper and top off showing all the scars, Y/n quickly pulled his trousers off and dropped them to the floor showing he wasn't wearing underwear, Toby smirked and pulled his jeans and boxers off before crawling over Y/n "you r-eady?" he asked as he teasingly rubbed his tip against Y/n's hole making him shiver and quickly nod before Toby shoved himself into Y/n's heat and groaned against his neck as Y/n dug his nails into Toby's shoulders "cant wait" Toby breathed as he started thrusting hard, Y/n let out a loud moan and tightened his legs around Toby's waist "fuck" Toby breathed as he thrusted a little faster feeling the tingling in his stomach getting more intense as Y/n's moans got a little louder and closer together before he grabbed Toby's hair and pulled on it a bit then dragged his nails down his back as he hit his prostate head on making Toby smirk as he sat up a bit and grabbed Y/n's thighs using them to pull him back with every thrust, Y/n moaned and panted as he twitched then lifted his hips a bit making Toby groan and twitch as he hit his prostate again then felt Toby twitch inside him making him moan loud and shake as he came tightening around Toby making him groan and lean over Y/n as he came after making his body twitch as he lay on Y/n panting, Y/n purred and played with the back of Toby's hair before he pushed his hips back making Toby groan "m-ore?" Toby breathed as he sat up a bit watching as Y/n nodded then quickly turned them over so he was on top and started bouncing making Toby groan as he ran his hands to Y/n's hips then pushed his hips up as Y/n came down making him moan as his legs shook a bit, Toby smirked and sat up a bit as he pulled Y/n's hair back and quickly sank his teeth into the front of his neck making Y/n moan and tense as he quickly came again "g-good boy" Toby said as he thrusted his hips up again feeling Y/n shake as he let out more moans of pleasure as he was getting to sensitive "l-ittle more~" Toby groaned as he twitched and lay back raising his hips as Y/n came down again and again his nails digging into Toby's chest before Toby let out a satisfied groan as he came making Y/n tense as his eyes rolled back and he came again with a shudder before he fell into Toby panting making him smirk "that b-etter?" he asked as he stroked Y/n's h/c hair feeling him nod "g-good" Toby mumbled as he lay Y/n on his side and pulled him to his chest making Y/n purr as he nuzzled Toby's chest then quickly passed out, Toby smiled then heard growling and a few things being thrown outside the room making him bite his lip before Mikko crawled in on the celling "don't come out for a while" he said "w-hat set him o-off?" Toby asked as he pulled the blanket over him and Y/n "you two, just stay here while I try calm him, may take a while" Mikko said before he crawled out closing the door, Toby sighed and wrapped his arms around Y/n before slowly falling asleep.

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