Hoodie x male reader

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Y/n sighed as he was in a dressing room pulling on some tight short shorts that barely covered his arse and a tank top that just about covered his chest with tassels on the back, he sat down and grabbed his glow in the dark lipstick and makeup putting it on before he pulled on some thigh high black socks and knee high strappy high heels, he put on some fake lashes and stood up checking himself over in the mirror, his slim but toned body his soft s/c skin and his outfit "looking good sexy, your on in five, got a strange crowd tonight lots of tips" Jason said as he stood at the door "thanks Jason" Y/n said as he took a breath and walked to the stage "lady's and gentlemen, tonight we have our very own show stopper and resident man stealer shorty" the announcer called before the lights went off, when they turned back on Y/n was on the stage on the pole the lights lighting up his makeup and some of the patterns on his skin making the room go quiet before the music started and so did his dance routine.

once it was done Y/n walked backstage "hey shorty Janice wants you on the floor for your last hour before your next show" Jason said making Y/n sigh "sure, let me change my make up" Y/n sighed as he sat down and wiped his make up off before putting on some dark eyeshadow and dark purple lipstick before he got up and walked out onto the floor seeing it busy with the normal truckers and locals but with a few new faces and in the corner at a table sat three men in hoodies and one in a tan coat "well hello shorty, you want to earn a quick buck?" a man said as he grabbed Y/n's hips "I'm a stripper not a prostitute" Y/n sighed making the man smirk before he stuffed a note in Y/n's shorts and slapped his arse as he pushed him away making Y/n growl softly before he walked over to a table by the stage "well hey there handsome" Y/n said as he leaned on the table sticking his arse out as the man tried chatting him up catching the hooded men's attention "so when you get off work shorty?" the man asked as Y/n sat on his lap "oh I cant tell you that hun, but I'm working tomorrow night" Y/n said with a smile before a woman in a showy maids outfit tapped him on the shoulder "shorty the guy in the orange hoodie over there wants a lap dace from you" she said, Y/n looked over "I'll see you later hun" Y/n said as he teasingly ran his hand over the mans chest as he got up getting an arse slap as he walked off and over to the men at the table "hey boys, what one of you wants the lap dance?" Y/n asked with a smile before the one in the tan jacket pointed at the other in the orange hoodie "come on then sweetheart" Y/n said with a smile as he held his hand out, the man downed his shot and stood up letting Y/n pull him to one of the booths, Y/n pushed him into the seat and closed the curtains "you got a name handsome?" Y/n asked as he started his dance "Brian" he said as he ran his rough hands over Y/n's hips "can I get another dance?" Brian asked as Y/n finished his dance "sure if you have the money" Y/n said watching as Brian held up a stack of twenty's "I have enough, but I don't want a dance" Brian said making Y/n tilt his head "I don't put out" Y/n said as he crossed his arms "I don't want that, I want to talk" Brian said as Y/n sat on his lap "either way I get paid, what you want to talk about hun?" Y/n asked "where do you get all your outfits and make up?" Brian asked "sweet talker, ok" Y/n said with a smile.

Y/n walked out the club an hour later in the same outfit with a coat on over the top as he walked to his car "oi shorty, come give me some love!" a drunk man shouted as he stood outside smoking with a few others "fuck off" Y/n sighed as he kept walking but was stopped as the man grabbed his wrist and pulled him against his chest groping his arse "get off!" Y/n said as he tried to wiggle out of the mans grip before he was pulled into a drunken kiss making him cringe before the man was pulled off and punched in the face knocking him to the floor with the man in the orange hoodie standing over him with blood on his knuckles "back off!" he growled his arua cold with a small glint of pleasure in his brown eyes, the man quickly got up and ran off as his friends laughed "thanks" Y/n said as he covered his body with his coat as much as he could "can I walk you home? make sure your safe?" Brian asked as he turned his attention to Y/n "sure" Y/n said with a small smile as he started walking with Brian next to him "you should really get a bodyguard or something" Brian said as they walked "that you offering?" Y/n asked with a smile as he stopped outside an apartment building and pulled a packet of fags from his pocket "why how much you offering?" Brian said with a smirk as Y/n lit the fag, Y/n smiled and took a drag "I'll be fine, but as a thank you for being so nice why don't you come over for dinner on my day off? my treat" Y/n said with a smile as he finished his fag "sure, I wouldn't mind when you free?" Brian asked as he put his hands in his pockets "day after tomorrow, I'll see you then handsome" Y/n said as he waved then walked in, Brian hung around for a few minutes before he walked off.

Y/n opened the door to see Brian standing there in his normal jeans and hoodie with the hood up "hey handsome, your early" Y/n said with a smile as he let Brian in and walked back over to the kitchen "your not fussy right?" Y/n asked as he added a few veggies "no" Brian said as he looked around seeing a small but cosy apartment "you live alone?" he asked as he walked over and sat down at the counter facing Y/n "yeah, have done since I was sixteen" Y/n said as he started plating the food "what about you? got any friends or family?" Y/n asked as he handed Brian the bowl and walked over to the sofa "I live with a couple room mates, no family" Brian said as he sat next to Y/n noticing his fluffy socks matched his black top and shorts "so how long have you been stripping for?" Brian asked as he started eating "since I was eighteen, lived on the streets till then" Y/n said as he sat back and turned the tv on "so where did you learn to cook?" Brian asked as he ate a little faster making Y/n smile "I worked in a kitchen until I was old enough to strip" Y/n said as he finished his food and put his bowl on the coffee table "what about you? what you do?" Y/n asked as he sat facing Brian "uh, a few odd jobs here and there" Brian shrugged as he looked over "fair enough, you want ice-cream?" Y/n asked as he got up "sure" Brian said watching as Y/n walked to the kitchen swaying his hips a bit "you going to be at the club on saturday?" Y/n asked as he handed Brian a bowl and sat down "I think I'm working, but I can pick you up after your shift?" Brian said "sure, I'd like that" Y/n said with a smile as he ate the ice-cream "when do you have to leave?" Y/n asked, Brian shrugged "don't really have a time" he said as he looked over "you want to watch a movie and have a few drinks?" Y/n asked with a smile "sure what you go?" Brian asked as Y/n picked a bag up from the floor and pulled out a few bottles of vodka and whiskey making Brian smile.

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