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Rocky woke up from his sleep with a jolt hearing huge voices in his room .
He looked shocked at the floor as ot looked like it just had a fair had gone there. He looked at his left to clock it to click 3 am. Again the same huge voice shuddered in his right and he looked at his wife who smiled at him " good morning pati parmeshwar " she greeted in a sugar coated voice and rocky didn't make it too long to understand that her smile was a smirk but he kept himself calm and asked
" What are you doing ?"

" Hey can't you see !" She said moving to other corner pulling the vase over with difficulty as it was heavy for her.

" I didn't even knew there were this much vases in this bedroom and why are you breaking it. "

Reena smirked again throwing that one on the floor breaking the ceramic vase into peaces.

" Chinna am asking you something ." He asked after getting down from the bed moving towards her with conscious steps as the floor was now sanded by ceramic pieces.

" Why are you smashing things ?"

" I was bored , literally had nothing to do ..... Also these brings so fun. " Reena managed to find a illogical story as her main intention was to destroy his sleep.

" You do break things when you are bored ? " He exclaimed and she smiled nodding her head dramatically.

" Did I disturbed your sleep ?" She asked trying to hide her smirk while he didn't replied at her .

" Or you didn't like me doing it " she blinked her eyes to look innocent in a mocking way.

" Chinna it's the time for sleep not to play. " He stated bit seriously and she sighed in success as she guessed his tone change as she wanted that.

" As you said , that......I could do anything I want...... I could get anything I want, not mattering the time it is and nobody could stop or disobey me , I thought that would be true. I thought that nobody also includes you. But seems like you are not liking what I did. Because I spoiled your sleep." Reena said searching his face as he was irritated. Rocky sighed and said
" reena , its like not a trouble to me but a lot of people look the sound is too loud and we are not the only people living in the mansion ." She kept quiet for a minute thinking as she saw his voice softened.

" Ya I shouldn't trouble people right ?" She asked after few minutes and looked at the floor.
" So I would be troubling them with cleaning this huge mess right." She said looking at the sand , water , spoilt plants and ceramic pieces.

" So why don't I clean it myself !!"

"You are going to clean this ?........you have sleep at this also this is not your job there are people who will do......you won't need to clean it alone !" He stated keeping his hands on his torso.

Reena smirked and shook her head
" I don't wanna trouble anybody as I already did alot today ........ So I decided I will clean it myself......oh yes not just me but you are also going to join."


Reena rubbed eyes as they were drowsing close as she was sleepy and started collecting glass pieces and looked at rocky who was sweeping over the floor working seriously listening her words and reena find it good execute her next plan to make him clean the room all alone.

"Ouch !!" Reena cried .

" What happened chinna ?" Rocky asked getting nearer her grabbing her hand in his examining her wound intentionally caused by reena.

TE QUIERO♥जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें