|Chapter -2|

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Some of you were wanted to know whether it is a roeena fanfic or not . I will inform in the end of the chap .

Happy reading 💌



" Papa don't you think that you're insencere to her " the woman said in anger , which was unusual from her entering her father's chamber .

" I already told you , my decision is final "

" Papa she don't want this "

While her father ignored it.

"Then get ' ME' married to him . Was that isn't the one culturally, getting the elder one married before the younger ."

" No dear , you know  how much I love you . You deserve better my princess . He's not worth you "

" And you are getting married your priceless daughter to a worthless man"

" Tch akshara why do you take stand for her everytime . Don't forget that she was the reason  why don't have your mother with you "

Akshara gave her father a unbelievable look .

" You are impossible papa , how could chant this every time ........" Taking a pause

" Even if you believe her to be the reason for my mother's death . Am happy because she gave me to play the role of a mother , her mother which I enjoy every millisecond of my life papa .......... Am sure you will regret for this papa . " She concluded before leaving.


" Hay yaar sultan is on his way , speed your work "

Akshara shook her head . They are giving more attention to welcoming of  the new kgf ruler , who has been invited by her Father .

She glanced towards the mandap which was all ready  looking beautiful but just have a kaali tika on it , the groom sitting in on it. 

" Muhurat is about to pass on please bring the bride . "

" Wait a bit more , someone has to come " rajendra insisted .

" Leave him rajendra , let this happen now. He can congratulate them later "  Andrew suggested .

" Fine , akshara beti bring her " akshara stared at her before leaving .

She was feeling extremely sad for her sister . It was nothing but a trap . A trap in which her sister has been a toy in it .

Hesitately she stood before her room door .

As she opened it.....


" Where Reena ? Akshara ?"

" She left !"

" Where ?"


Her hand full fisted her lehenga balancing the huge weight over .

Her legs worked harder than her brain . She ran  as fast as she could.


She peeped out from the window of the rickshaw , she catched to reach the railway station .

She saw her father's men have incharged to find and they have blocked the road checking each automobile .

She knew the railway station was only a few distance away now


Sneaking out from the rickshaw she left silently .


She thanked God as she got on the train on right time or else she would have Missed it. 

But someone was following her which she guessed in the next minute Nd tried to walk faster but as same the person also geared his legs which she felt by sharpening her ear behind .

Sweat formed her forehead as she saw the end boggy of the train and still the footsteps followed .

Finally she stood at the end wall but so the person did stop .

But she never cared to turn around and surrender before her father's man and decided it to be decision to die .

She looked at the platform door  and stood infront of it . Deep down was sea , closing her eyes she poured herself out .

To only get pulled in strong verse .

She gasped as got crashed to the broader chest of his and pressed her completely towards him tightening his grip.

She whined lightly as her hand was twisted behind .

She let out of all the crumblings of her face once she opened her eyes and  saw him .

She stared at him blankly . His eyes were showing rage , nose flaring , hair perfectly gelled .

He is dangerously handsome !

Finding her staring at him blankly , he felt it awkward that he maintained his distance .

Straightening his shirt at final he gave a glance and left .

" Ajeeb admi hai !" She exclaimed .

" Reena,it is your first train journey, you could have atleast made am effort to know where it is going too " she said to herself .


So it was the roeena meet how was it . Hope i didn't mess it up .

Also , a happy  news it's a roeena fanfic dears

Excited for roena's train journey ?

Do support because I know in initial it's not too interesting but it will as they proceed more

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