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As passing by each chap's comments in every I atleast saw each are curious of reena's potential on Chandigarh so thought to give you a guessing section to know whether anyone matching my thoughts ....  So guys dropout your thoughts .........

Happy reading 😊



Her car waited at the checkpost with a waiting her in it . Pissed off by the action of  security of the most blooded land on earth , KGF .

Slapping onto the horn to gain the attention of the army . While they looked upon her  " sultan is on an important meeting and out of town without his approval we can't let you in " the man said in his broad voice and she let out a groan .

Sultan ....my foot!

" What you guys are looking for contact him though then " she squirmed at them back .

" We are ma'am but he's unreachable "

" Fine then it's better if I leave "

" Ma'am no " another came running towards her car holding his walkie talkie in his arm .

" Special order from farmaan , get her and asses her with the best room in the palace " he informed to one who was talking to her .

Reena glanced at him who lowered his glance and opened the checkpost for her .

" Who is this farmaan now ?"

In somewhere .............

" I would be glad to join  on that day but don't know whether it's gonna be a tight schedule but still will try my best " the old man responded to him making him stop his track and hear his words .

Snapping around he shook his head and left the room to find farmaan waiting for him in outside. 

" What's everything going on in there ? You checked ? "

" Yes Bhai ! Everything is at its best . The excavation set from UK works spectacular ."

" Great !" He exclaimed .

" Bhai why you postponed the work we were supposed to leave to kgf today right . Bhabhi kept asking the same  ."

Rocky just hummed and pour a glass of wine for himself .

"And  reena desai is in kgf "

Snapping around he gave him a confused look .

" Yes , she reached by the evening. "

Farmaan looked his Bhai being confused as he caught him hiding his smile which he have hardly seen ever .

" Cancel the meeting we are going back ......" he declared making farmaan gets confused more with his odd behaviour .

Because one he decide each he would never think to change it but now..........



" Rajendra , heard your men  in Bombay got killed. " Andrew asked to rajendra who nodded to him in response .

" Also heard you stopped looking for reena " while he nodded again .

" Isn't that suspicious from you rajendra "

" Maybe or maybe not. I stopped looking forward doesn't means I let her go . Yes but not for long . You just wait and see . At last she will reach to me ."

A  week passed .............

In Bombay .

" What did the doctor say rocky ?"

" Nothing much . U are prepared to get discharged by yourself just a bed rest for about 6 weeks with proper medication  and then slowly will try to walk ." He said while munching the orange kept on side .

" Finnaly I can  leave here" she murmured with a sigh .

" To where ?" He asked .

While she stared at him.

" I advise you to go back to your home reena . You really need care right now  which al you will get in your home "

" Yes I will get care but only from my sister and scar from others " he looked at her clueless .

" So you want my help further ........"

" I hope a yes !"

" But where will I make you stay at ........"

" A hotel ?"

Shooking his head  he stated " I have a plan !! "

" Don't say it's again the drama of lovers ".

" Not this time ......"

" So what's it ? "

" You can stay in my cottage "

" You do have a cottage in here ?"

" But I have certain conditions "

" What's that now "

" Will you follow or not also you can't  question me on thr conditions if it's fine I will help you " he asked demanding while staring she nodded with a slightly hesitation .

" great , then no. 1 In my absence , you won't go out of the cottage ."

" Do you think I can ?, With this legs? "

" Fine , no.2  you would need to the room with me . " He paused again to see her reaction . But as he excepted she reacted  " but " while he interrupted . "No.3 you won't reveal anything , ANYTHING  with anyone nearby . Got it " she nodded .

" No. 4 nothing shouldn't be exploited or exchanged in my room or cottage . "

" No.5 don't put out any stunts and spoil your remaining health.  Got all ?"

He asked while she gave big nod " now can we leave ?" He asked " now? "

" yes , you wanted to go out of the hospital right as soon  as possible?"

" A big yes "

But she grasped  and her breath stopped as he leaned towards her , staying perfectly close to her  .

" What's wrong ? ........" He asked sensing her looking at him with wide eyes . But him being him sighed on understand .

" Forget ? You are unable to walk on your foot? "

Reena sighed at him taking a deep breath while he got the approval and following to grab her in the air.


I know it's boring but still updated

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