|Chapter -22|

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I don't know how you all gonna accept and react to the chapter.......

Also this book gonna end 'VERY' soon.

Happy reading


Deva looked around the corridor and gulped to execute his next plan his needed and for that.........

" Bhai you know you are not completely fit by now...." He stopped looking for any dissimilar reaction from rocky but he was staring at him blankly.

" Marriage is something which had to celebrate to the best don't you think to postpone the date to someday near you get better "

" Forgive me if I said something wrong. " He added as he felt the room getting into a silence of tension how wouldn't it be the next day gonna be date of marriage and literally every preparation have been done .

Rocky thought for a moment and then looked at akshara who smiled at him assuring .

" I do think it will be better because not everything is restored back......and being busy in marrige will make the it easy for ' them' to attack us especially when their threat is behind us.  " Vanaram suggested to rocky.

Rocky shook his head .
" Everything will happen as planned and nobody gonna threat kgf in the mean time " his voice were to make Deva sigh and now for him just one way left.


Deva straddled over a chair in the garden tired.

" What happened Deva ? You look more tired today !" Fathima asked as she found him next to them

" What can I do made a mistake ?"

" What mistake ?" Reena asked from behind.

Deva shook his head.
" No not mistaked choosed wrong plan.....I lied over something for my plan to Bhai and he's not letting me rest even for a moment... Making me do even the duties that has already be done and is completely not of my department. " He whined like a child.

" I should have choosed another plan to know what is inside him !" He whispered to himself regretfully.

" Why did you lied to him for ?" Reena asked sitting beside him . He shook his head  " that's a secret " the next moment he heard his named being yelled by his Bhai which he eventually knew to install another work to make him busy.


"Deva, tum yaha?" Akshara exclaimed finding him in her room .

" Yep woh di I needed to talk to you !!" Akshara smiled and nodded to continue.

Deva stared at her for a minute and whispered hesitatly not knowing how to start and akshara was looking at him desperately .
" You're beautiful!" He paused for a minute and akshara " huh ? This is what you wanted to say ?"

" Nope...... not.... but ya.... like you're beautiful and....you deserve better.  "

" Deva what you are talking about I don't understand anything. "

Deva sighed and closed his eyes and spilled in a goo
" Youshouldn'tmarryBhai "
He looked at akshara who looked at him blinking her eyes not understanding anything he said .

He saw her move towards her study and passed him a glass of water .

" Just calm down Deva !"
Deva gave a gentle smile , this was reason why he was subtle in telling he straight she was nothing but a pure soul who doesn't anyone intendly.

TE QUIERO♥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora