The Sickdyay pt. 1

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Y'all, I can't. This took me forever to think of ideas. And I'd steal the cat Sun and moon. Enjoy or else.
Lunar: it
Moon: reg
Sun: bold
Elcipe: bold and it

I woke up and sat up. Behind the cut outs, right. I stand up, look around, and I snook out towards to daycare. I needed to find a way around them. I knew Sun and Lunar were easy to deal with, and moon partially too, just not Eclipse. Eclipse is the hardest one to trust and handle. I sighed softly. I made my way into the daycare, and checked around cariously. Lunar, Sun, Moon, and Eclipse- I sneeze softly. I quickly check. They didn't hear me thankfully. I sneeze again. This time they spotted me. Oh shit. I quickly started backing away, and all four came up immediately. They all picked me up and took me to the main daycare floor. They all started worrying and pacing, having no idea what to do. I started coughing.
"I think I'm-" I sneeze. "Sick..." all four of them immediately started wrapping me in blankets, putting pillows all around me, and they were extra cautious.
"Why are they coughing and sneezing?!"
"Everyone calm down! Y/n is just a little sick."

Short, lol, womp.

☆♡Love♡☆ Sun/moon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now