The beginning

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Hello! I hope you like this! I simp for sun and moon.

Y/n = your name
Y/l = your last name
Y/hc= hair color
Y/hl= hair length

I really hope you like what I write! And this is not probably gonna be good. This is for everyone! This is coming from a female's POV but you can make it whatever gender you want! And I was really lazy. And you are easy to anger. Cussing is in this but I sensor it. Mostly. And not my art!
Starting it up now.

'Ugh, why did I get transferred to a daycare?! I hate kids.' I thought. I prepared myself to get jumpscared by a S.T.A.F.F. bot. And I did. Not being able to hold if back I had a small scream that couldn't be herd while it dragged me to lost and found to meet Vannessa, who was basically my boss, but not really. "I'm Y/N Y/L, the daycare attendant." I said hoping it was right.
"Hm." She judged
"Vannessa. Now take her to the daycare and give her the daycare outfit."She ordered. I was so confused.

'What the h*ll is that.' I knew I hated it when I saw the statue. It gave me the clothes and basically popped out of existence. I changed and... 'you must be f*cking me.' I was so mad of what happened just then, and the fit was a topper for sure. "Okay, okay. Just stay calm." I said to myself. From what I had gotten, Vannessa was going to be no help whatsoever, you worked with two anamatronics, and you weren't going down that bright slide you just found. "Oh h*ll no." I was about to loose it. "There better be another way." As I found it. Thanking my eyes for finding a way out of that way down.

As I got to the large doors, I braced myself. I knew I needed it. I opened the doors slowly to look around. I walked I. Thinking noone was there. "No anamatronic yet." I happily jinxed myself as a 9 foot tall anamatronic ran up to me so enthusiastically I thought it was I eyes tricking you.
"OH NEW FRIEND, NEWFRIENDNEWFRIEND! IM SUNDROP! I LOVE YOU HAIR! ARE YOU Y/N? YOU PROBABLY ARE!" Sundrop way to happily screeched. And the only thing that came to mind.
"Yeah I'm Y/N." I said not as enthusiastic as sundrop. He seemed to be like a little kid. 'Better be careful of what I say to him' I thought. Not realizing he had scooped me up in a hug while he introduced himself. "A-air p-p-plea-ase." I chocked out as he set me down.
"SO SORRY FRIEND!" sundrop rushed out. As I got all the air back in my lungs, the first thing I could reply as was, "It's okay Sundrop." I rushed to make sure he wouldn't do anything to doubt himself. It wasn't his fault anyway. He looked up at my smiling face to reassure him, and he paused as I open my eyes to make sure he way okay.


"It's naptime everyone!" Sundrop chimed. For some reason they looked scared. I hope it had nothing to do with the other anamatronic. I was practically praying even though I'm not Cristian. Then as the kids did "procedures" for bed, sundrop rushed up to me like a bullet. "Sunbeam, I need you to hide from moon." He said slowly. I froze. I knew it. "Why? Is he gonna hurt me?" I pushed. I wanted answers. "Yes..." He mumbled enough to make it sound like fumbling.. But Sundrop just begged me to do it. "Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease sunbeam!" He kept begging.
"Okay! Fine" I blurted. He motioned me to the play structures. 'Oh f*ck no.' He was not getting me in those. But he left and I hated it so much. For some reason I didn't want him to leave. Like a little child. And I got lost in there for the one second I was in there. Then. Black.

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