My Plan pt. 2

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I awakened Sunny, and t was now his turn. I was him almost jump out of his skin when he didn't know where he was.
"Sunny, I want to ask you a question." He seemed unsure, but nodded. I knew sun and Lunar were keepers, but I still had to do it.
"What do you think, or feel- I should say. About. Me." He acted like Lunar. He blushed and started rambling about how pretty and nice I was, but you know how nice boys and crushes are.
"W-wellyourreallyniceandpretty, butohno, whyareyouaskingmethat? Yourareallygoodpersonandilikeyoualot. Souhmmmm! AGH!" He seemed to have a pretty big crush. It was cute. But I still had to wonder, keep him and Lunar, if moon is a good boy I would keep him too, but I didn't know if I would be okay with three still. Okay but still kinda hard. But I walked closer as he rambled even more. WHIRRRRR! I brought my face close to his, and kissed him on the cheek. His system overloaded and power him off. Quicker than Lunar. I walked over to Moon's room, and on the way everyone was gone now, I thought that they would. I opened the door and powered him on. And was getting tired.
"Starlight, where am I?" He was going g to speak first. How rude.
"I want to ask you something first." He nodded.
"Do you like-like me?" He blushed a little bit.
"Well, starlight.-"
"Were you just faking back there then?" I took a step back. And he immediately tried to calm me down and get me to come closer.
"Starlight! I didn't mean it like that. You know how I feel~"
"Do I though?" I was trying to get him like the other two. Just to make sure he was a keeper.
"OF course starlight. You know I l-lov-v-" Whirr
"You what?" I heard a small whirring sound, and he was blushing more. I knew I could use him way more. I was going to go for it.
"So you don't feel the same..." I made him blush three times the amount he was. I hoped it would work, and it started to.
"Stardrop, of course I feel lo-rve for you." He was struggling. I acted so much happier throwing my arms around his neck. WHIRR
That said it all. Then to top it off, with a kiss on the cheek. WHIIRRRRRRRRR
I did it. A kiss tops everything together. I pulled away a little  it, but then he grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me. It seems he was catching on, but I didn't really care. He was being kept. I thought so, but. Still, had to check. But he kept me in his arms for so long. He slithered his tongue in my mouth, intertwined it with mine, and forced a small moan. He liked that. Then he  gave me a second to breathe before coming back harder. And he pulled me onto his body, and my body was full on his. There was a huge WIRRRRRRING in the background, but I didn't mind it. I was waiting for moon to do something like this. I kept moaning, and he started getting my shirt off. And then my pants. He found the spot where I let out the loudest moan, ever. I hoped noone had herd that. But I was too infatuated with this. I knew he had mentally undressed me fully.


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