Meeting Monty

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Hi everyone it's me! I was bored, so I made this more Monty tryna flirt with you. Sun and Moon need more reason for you all to themselves. And I might make some glamrocks x reader stuff even though I'm not a furry myself. But I don't judge anyone. Enjoy!

I felt weird being out of the daycare. I tried to get back in and, that little mother fucker locked the doors. I sighed hoping I wouldn't be gone too long. I went into the main entrance area to memorize it. And I looked everywhere in there memorizing where everything was. Then I want to the main atrium. And, "Take a map."
"AHH!!" I FUCKING HATED THAT THING. I snatched the map and it ran off. 'Tf' I thought it was so weird to put a scary ass greeter there and make if run off. Went down slowly, and admired everything there. When I got down there, I ran around like a little kid. I never really had a good childhood and now I could act like one for now! I ran on to the stage and off towards Monty golf. As fast as I could, I got in to the elevator and excitedly waited to go play some golf. When it stopped I ran out to admire everything there. I was in awe. It was beautiful. I looked around and didn't find a place to get a club and ball, but I was too amazed that I wasn't really looking for it.

I started looking around more areas that geusts couldn't get to. Then I found the security office. I looked through it. There was a mazercize control key, mazercize ticket, a fazcam, and extra security badge. I was wondering why all of that was there bit I didn't mind it. I went back out and continued to look around.

"HEY! YOU!" Someone was yelling at me. I turn around and see a guy running up to me. "After hours! I'm taking you to officer Vannessa."
"HEY WAIT! IM A FULL TIME DAYCARE WORKER!" I yelled as he started to drag me out of the kitchen, successfully doing it. He stopped and looked me up and down, then he used his two brain cells to put the pieces together. "Ohhh. Your the only worker willing for daycare." He replied. I looked at him like what the hell dude, your now placing shit together?! I wanted to smack him then I realized what I was wearing.

I could not speak. Not even a second later he started checking me out. "You're pretty hot." He said. 'Ugh. This bitch.'  Was about to FUCKING KILL HIM. But he started backing me up to a wall. Then I called for help as Monty came running to see the problem. For once in his life. "What's going on here?" Monty demanding to know.
"This is my gf!"
"I WOULD NEVER DATE YOU!" I yelled. Monty took him and, delt with him. Then I swear I saw bright red eyes in the sky. But I blinked a few time and it was gone. I thought I was going mad after being in the daycare too long.
"Sorry about that-" He looked for a name tag and found it.
"Ms. Y/N." He basically looked like someone who was talking to their crush.
"Thank you so much! I was just taking some time away from daycare. Then that happened..." I sorta trailed off.
"I can help you hottie." Monty definitely had something in mind.
Flustered I said sure.


"That was so much fun!" I said. Monty looked happy that I had fun playing golf. I looked at my fazwatch and it said, 2:49.
"We sure spent some time out!" I laughed. He decided to flirt with me some and I knew it.
"So your single, hot, and good at golf. Why aren't you working with me instead." He teased. I laughed he was trying to get more time with me, but I needed to explore more. I was about to say bye when he walked me to the elevator.
"Mauby the hottie needs to meet back up with sunny. I'll be here." He sighed. He was kind about it.

He walked me back to the doors of the daycare, and walked off. I knew that moon was gonna be furious. Especially that I was out for so long.
Everything but the play structures were demolished. And I knew he was in his room. I wanted to hide but I froze in place not being able to stop looking at everything that was destroyed.i started quietly cleaning up. Moon seemed to not be online, or awake. Whatever it was. 'I hope I'm not in too much trouble with moon.' I couldn't help the feeling of missing him, but it was for the best.

I manged to get everything, but my desk taken care of. '4:24 A.M. I hope he will forgive me.' Really hoped he wasn't gonna spawn somewhere, but I needed to talk to him. I started cleaning up my desk area, farthest from moon, and closest to a door for escape. I managed to repair the counterish thing, and I got the computer back. I had only one way to get moon out.
I opened and closed the huge doors loudly. That did it. I saw him basically rage out if him room to me backing me up at the doors. Making sure I was pinned, he actually spoke to me...

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