The Plan

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I woke up, and I thought, and thought, and thought. Until...
"I got it!" I got up and ran back towards daycare, but I went to glamrock gifts. I looked around for steath clothes, or anything g not too bright and visible. I looked everywhere, and then I found some black pants and a white top. I was ready.
Then I slowly came back in to the daycare looking for everything I needed. I got a pencil, paper, red marker, and found the grappling hook thingy. I made some threats then I found siccors and I forced out blood on the one of the paper. I grunted a little but, but I put a band-aid on and sucked it up. I was hiding out in one of the party rooms, and preparing everything for my plan. I could live without Eclipse, but Sun, Lunar, and maby Moon, I can't live without. I didn't know how I was going to do this but, I had an idea. I was going to lure one out and make them think I was gone.

I set up the first two diversions and I made a scene.
"AHHHHH!" I then bulleted to the place where I could call the grapple. I went and set up everything else, and then I went to my assigned place.

Sun's pov

I was so excited to go see Y/n! I was ready to hop up to my balcony-
"AHHHHH!" THAT WAS YN! I raced overthere with everyone else, and theni saw it.
"Y/N'S BEEN KIDNAPPED!" I was stiff. I hoped that was wrong. Lunar started crying, Moon and Eclipse looked ready to kill someone. I was just ready to cry, and also I was just stiff. I looked up and started silently crying. I was so sad. But. There is a new emotion. I think it was. Anger. I had no experience with this. But I knew one thing. No one could have found them. Not even Moon. And that was saying something.

Yn pov again!

It had been a while. It was now 12:30 A.M. I was waiting in Roxy raceway solan. With Roxy, Freddy, and The rest of the gang. I knew when we're coming fast. "Guys, it's time. Monty help, and everyone else, hide." Monty helped tie me up then he was in place. I acted like I got knocked out. But it was not believable. Monty threw something at me. And black out. The next thing I know, everyone was infront of me. Sunny. Lunar. Moon. Eclipse...  was so happy, I did actually miss them. I started crying. I had my lines memorized. Now for the rest of the act.
"Guys! I'm so happy to see you!" I kept crying to make it more, believable.
"No one is going to hurt you again."
"Who ever did this, is GOINGT TO PAY." He was kina sweet.
"Let me untie you Starlight." I got untied, but everything hurt so bad. After having to bend, twist, run, and get hit, just for a plan to get rid of Eclipse, and to help me control Moon, and keep sun contained, was really tough and painful.
"Thank you, I really missed you guys..." then I saw them jump and I did a backwalkover. And I saw them power off.

We had gotten them to the head repair station in the fazcade. I had Roxy, Freddy, Bonnie, and Foxy. Monty got bored, and Chica needed to recharge and eat. We waited until I was ready. And now I was. I powered them on and then here we go. I got rid of Eclipse, but one thing. One at a time. I did Lunar first.
"Y/n? Wha? What's going on dewdrop?" I kinda felt bad for doing this. I walked closer to him to get tension. I wanted to tell him. No.
"Lunar, I wanted to know something." He nodded, "well... I wanted to know. What am I to you?" He blushed. I could tell.
"Please?~" I wanted to get him talking. I think his system was a out to overheat. But he was the easiest to break.
"It- I- it's har-rd to e-xpla-ain...-" omg. ITS A CRUSH! OMG CUTE! he was too cute for his own good. I had this one coming though. He started rambling as I came closer. Then I kissed him on the head, and he powred off. I had my answer. All I wanted was to know if they are a keeper. I walked over to Sun's room thingy. And I knew what todo.
Sorry it's been so long since I've posted! One word. School.

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