The New National Anthem

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It had been a week since the incident with my hand, Jaime wont speak to me about anything unless it’s what he classifies relevant, Vic is still pissed that I wont tell him about Brad but Mike and Tony are ok with me so at least some people care still. I’ve been hibernating in my bunk for most of the time, I barley eat, drink or move, I sleep sleeping is like death I like that, I don’t feel anything when I sleep making it easier to live. But it was when Tony came and woke me up asking to talk with me in the lounge, I had no choice but to do what he wished.

I got out of my bunk nearly falling down as I tried to stand I haven’t left my bunk for a while, my legs were weak well I was weak. I had Tony to help me to the lounge and as I sat down the band filled the room, Mike and Tony sat with me and Jaime and Vic sat adjacent from me.

“We need to know who Brad is now Kirra,” Vic held my phone in his hand while he scrolled trough it, Jaime added to Vic’s request asking why he was sending me all these massages. How would I know, I’ve been in my bunk fro the last week I didn’t care what was on my phone any more I couldn’t care what they thought I was. I should have died back at the concert.

Vic passed me my phone I had over 100 massages from Brad, all of them contained things like ‘Babe where are you, or are you ok I miss you, and more sexual ones which made me feel sick, but one stood out against all if them it was a photo and the caption said the horrible words, ‘Do I need to come find you and we can repeat our fun time like we did before you fake you death Bitch.’ The picture was even worst, I didn’t know he had photos of him raping me but it made my stomach turn and I spirited to the toilet throwing up the nothingness in my stomach. Someone pulled back my hair and rubbed my back, “Kirra, I’m here for you I’m so sorry for being an asshole to you.” Jaime’s voice was soothing even though I had my face in a toilet and I was violently trowing up. One I had stopped I shooed Jaime out of the bathroom and I had a shower and brushed my teeth before walking out to the lounge where the boys where happily munching on tacos. I was passed a taco and I slowly ate it but it took over an hour to finish it.

When the boys had cleaned up, we sat down to finish the conversation which was interrupted by me trowing up. Vic once again had my phone and he was shocked at the photo which had tormented me. Jaime had soon taken the phone to see the message, anger welled in his eyes and he threw the phone across the room before storming out of the bus with Mike quickly running after him.

I just stared into my lap, not wanting to make eye contact with Vic or Tony, “Kirra, Is brad your ex-boyfriend or what?” Vic had now moved closer holding my hands, he wanted to know what had happened and why he was texting me, I felt lost and sick. My voice quivered as I tried to speak some words didn’t even make a sound, “he was my boyfriend 2 years ago, he was nice but changed, he hurt me, raped me and I was hit buy a bus when I ran from him the night he raped me. He thought I was dead, but he’s back and he knows.” By now I was sobbing with tears falling faster than I could breathe, I was wrapped in the arms of the two boys who listened to me but all I could do was cry.

I was sure I cried for hours in Vic’s and Tony’s embrace, it was when the bus door swung open and Jaime saw me crying, Pushing his friends out the way to pull me into his arms. It had been so long since he had held me, I felt right, and I truly missed this being able to have Jaime’s arms wrapped around me. Vic leaded the boys out of the room, I’m guessing to tell mike what had happened. Jaime just held me before Vic called him out of the room, he kissed my cheek and told me he would be back.

Jaime POV

 Vic had called me into the bunk area, the boys all had sad looks to them as they told me what Kirra had told them. I didn’t know what to do I was so pissed off she didn’t deserve that, no one does. I stormed out of the bunk area to where Kirra still sat quietly, I pulled her into my arms just wanting her to be here with me, so she knew she was safe.

“I’ll never let anyone hurt you again, never.” I whispered to her before kissing her on the cheek. She looked at me her beautiful eyes which where usually a beautiful emerald green, now bloodshot from crying, It killed me to see her like this. Before I could process anymore thoughts she pulled me into a kiss. For the first time since Vic pulled her off me we shared a kiss, but nothing extreme and sexual just a kiss showing how much we cared for each other. I heard the bus door open then shut the boys were probably going for drinks, I just want to be in her arms.

Kirra POV

It was perfect we just held each other, taking in the feeling of being together, feeling loved. The boys has left about an hour ago, Jaime just held me kissing me every now and again keeping me sane. I was tired and about to fall asleep in his arms before her picked me up carrying me to not my bunk but his! I rolled into it not really caring that it wasn’t mine I was tired and sleep sounded perfect after all the tears. But Jaime pulled himself up in the bunk and pulled me close to him, “Sleep beautiful, I wont leave you I promise.” After those words I snuggled into him falling into a well needed sleep.

I don't care if you're contagious (pierce the veil FanFic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora