Yeah Boy and Doll Face

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I couldn’t move she was in such a state, I could of stopped this is I didn’t let her leave. If I wasn’t so pathetic, if I didn’t drink so much whiskey. I could have stopped this! I felt like nothing worst could happen, I only could see Kirra laying lifeless on the hospital bed, I just wanted to pull her into my arms and tell her that she would be ok and ill never let her go. Never.

3 days have passed since Kirra was put in hospital, our tour manger told us we had no choice but to leave for the next leg of the tour. Once he told us this, we ended up in a heated fight over leaving Kirra in hospital, alone with no one, not even her family. She truly had no one to be with her, she needed me! NO I needed her; I needed to know she was safe, to know I could keep her in my arms safe and sound.

Vic told me we had a day till we would leave, I was hoping Kirra would wake up, I could take her with us if she woke up. I got packed for the tour in seconds and then left to go see if Kirra was ok. I walked into her room the nurse was with her, she told me she woke up briefly then fell asleep again. Those words alone made me feel as if there was hope to take her with us, she could be free from her horrible life here and come with us to San Diego.

I sat beside her, she looked so much better than before, she was going to be ok. I quietly started to sing Yeah boy and Doll face to her. As I finished the last Lyric Vic and Mike walked in to tell me the one thing I didn’t want, we had to leave.

Kirra POV

I could hear a faint noise, “Keep talking because I love to hear your voice, voice Again.” The word were faint, I couldn’t move, couldn’t see who it was. Suddenly it went quite, I was alone again, wait why was I alive I’m meant to be dead, I want to be dead.

My eyes fluttered open to see a blinding light; I heard the beeping of machines. I looked at my arm to see a drip stuck in my arm flowing blood into my system, I had pipes feeding me trough my stomach and many machine connected to me keeping me alive. I ripped the pipes off my body, causing the machine to make a louder noise than before, doctors and nurses rushed into my room, they attempted to put me to sleep with some antiseptic, I fought back against them not wanting to be put to sleep and black out again. I ended up receiving the dose of antiseptic, the room went blurry. I blacked out.

IVE had writters bloock for awhile :( now i have a plan Mwhahahahahahaha ;P


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