Stay away from my Friends

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“You’re alive!” Vic shouted so all the passengers looked at us, I was still shocked that the band was here with me again, I wasn’t alone anymore.

Let a tear fall before Jaime practically jumped on me, he hugged me then kissed me on the cheek. I blushed madly, and mike noticed pointing it out to the group.

“This is your Capitan of the flight, please take your seats and buckle up.” No one was next to me so Jaime had moved next to me; we sat in our chairs and buckled up ready for the 5 hour flight ahead of us. After we where Airborne and was aloud to move around, we unbuckled our seat belts and Jaime called for a drink and some food. I looked back to see Vic and Mike asleep on each others shoulders and Tony was sprawled across them also sleeping. I giggled at them as Jaime sat down and move the arm rest from in-between us. He handed me a Virgin Pena Collada, he had some whiskey in hand we opened the table on the back of the chairs in front of us and places our drinks down. Jaime soon pulled me into his arms, kissing my temple, then whispering in my ear, “don’t ever leave me; I can’t lose you ever, ok?”

I bushed, letting a tear fall, no one has ever told me something like this, I was shocked. Jaime cared and I think I’m falling for him but I’ve never been in love, I don’t know what it is like. I looked at him while using my hair to cover my face; he brushed my hair out of the way, leaning closer to me. He softly placed his lips on mine, I moved my lips in sink with his, we pulled away, I instantly covered my face. I was blushing madly and I was so embarrassed. He took a sip of his whiskey as I spun around to look out the window, I sipped at my drink thinking of what had just taken place, I kiss JAIME fucking PRECIADO!! I placed my drink down and stared off into the sky.

I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around my waist, pulling me around to look at his flawless face. He once again pushed his soft lips against mine, moving them slowly then the kiss became deeper, he ran his tongue along my bottom lip, I let him enter my mouth, and he tasted my mouth soon pulling away. As I opened my eyes Vic was starring at us with the biggest smile, “well someone’s getting in there,” he winked at Jaime, and I replied with a slap across his face. Then turning around not wanting to talk to any one, I was so embarrassed!

I could here Jaime getting annoyed at Vic, and soon enough Mike and Tony were awake, curious of why the boys were fighting. They attempted to ask me but I just stood up and walked into the toilet, I started to cry, I didn’t know why but I felt as if I wasn’t good enough to know these boys. Some one knocked on the door, so I got up and acted as if I went to the toilet and walked out of the cubicle. They were still bickering, so when I sat down I instantly put my headphone in and blasted BOTDF, S my D. soon enough I dosed off into my dreamland.

 I woke up with my head on the lap of Jaime, he stroked my hair I attempted to roll over but couldn’t as I had been buckled into my seat, we were landing. I pulled myself upright and noticed the boys were awake chatting about something, Jaime wasn’t happy with them you could see it in his eyes.

We landed soon enough, I stepped up with Jaime and walked towards the exit, not expecting Jaime to grab my hand and walk quickly away from the rest of the band. We walked faster than my short legs could take me and when we got out the front of the airport a bunch of fan waited for the boys.


I wasn’t impressed with Vic, he wouldn’t let go of the fact that I kissed Kirra, she kissed me back that’s the only reason he saw.

I dragged Kirra by my side; she was struggling to keep up with me so I slowed down a little. We reached the doors to see a huge bunch of kids waiting for the band; I pulled Kirra close to my side and walked out. All the girls screamed as I walked past them and the security had to pull them away from us. I let Kirra get in the Tour bus first, the rest of out tour would be via bus. Before I shut the door I yelled to the fans that I loved them.

Not long after Vic, Mike and Tony jumped in the bus, putting their bags in the bunks to mark where they would sleep. I had the bunk above Kirra and Vic chose the one across from her. I walked down to the lounge like room of the bus, Kirra had her earphones in and she looked pretty pissed. I sat next to her pulling her on to my lap, she squealed at me before going bright red.  I pulled her earphones away from her, asking her if she was ok, she quickly brushed off the question.\


I was pulled on to Jaime’s lap and he took my headphones from me, asking me if I was ok. I didn’t know what was wrong I felt like shit without a reason. Jaime seemed mad that I didn’t tell him what was wrong, I just wanted to kiss him.

I spun around and wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer to me, it didn’t take long till he pressed his lips against mine. I didn’t hesitate to reply to him, moving my lips in sync with his, I could hear the to the bus open, not that it mattered. Jaime bit my bottom lip I couldn’t help but let out a quite moan. The kiss was passionate, until someone actually pulled me off Jaime and I feel to the ground.

I looked up to see Vic who was extremely angry over me.

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