I dont care if you're contagious

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Heyy Guys, this is my first FanFic i hope you thinks its good. :) Comment what you think!! any ideas inbos me :D    ENJOY--- Jaymee

I sat in my room watching the blood seep down my wrist, pushing the razor down hard sliding it across my wrist.  Tears fell as the words filled my mind; Useless, Fat, Ugly, Go die, Slut, Whore and more words wandered in my mind.

“Kirra, get down here now,” My father yelled from the kitchen, I quickly cleaned the blood off my wrist and pulled my black glove over the marks I created on my left wrist. My school uniform was all creased and untidy when I got down the stairs, my father stood in the kitchen and pulled me over to him. He tidies my clothes, my skirt was green checked and a white shit with a tie sat around my neck. He fixed it till he thought it was good, the lent down and kissed me. Eww, I hated him he would abuse me and call me his own, ever since my mom died Two years ago, he stared to think I was his wife. I wanted to run away but I can’t get away from him, he’s always there watching me.

I said my good bye to my father and walked towards my school, while walking I pulled on my pants they where a dead green colour but better than wearing a skirt, I untucked my shirt and pulled my tie lose. Feeling more comfortable in my clothes I put my skirt in my bag and wandered into school.

My home room was loud for a year 12 class, my teacher Miss Jenner yelled telling the class to be quite, I just sat in the back of the room alone by myself. A body was lingering over me and yanked out my head phones, I looked up to see Miss Jenner standing angrily over me.

“Who would like to hear what Kirra listens to while I try to speak,” She asked the class, I looked at her shocked she had taken my iPod away from me and put in to a dock playing the song I was listening to Disasterology played out loudly for the class to hear. She flicked though the music on my iPod suddenly playing more of my Pierce the Veil music, she laughed saying, “what the fuck is this shit.” The whole class laughed and I was once again to the centre of attention. I pulled myself out of my chair and walked over to the front taking my iPod away from the dock, turning around and I sat back down where I was seconds ago.

The whole day I had people on my back telling me to die, calling me names and just too top things off end of the day I was confronted by Ashleigh and her group. She had punched me before I could get away, I was on the ground having girls belting me, the pain was immense and I let tears fall. When they finally left I hobbled home, opening the door to she a trashed house.

Soooooooo... what ya think???? comment!!! please 

Love u Guys ---Jaymee

I don't care if you're contagious (pierce the veil FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now