Ms. Wang timidly dodged and retreated silently.

Di Yelei’s face veins kept pulsing angrily: “Over the years, you have taken countless game from Third Brother. He allowed it, thinking that with two young children, you could at least help take care of them. The game eventually ended up in the mouths of my nephew and niece, as a token of my love as their Third Uncle. However, now it seems you’ve taken his kindness as nothing but a donkey’s liver and lungs. So, let’s settle the accounts. In the past, I went hunting every seven days, and you took one or two games of varying kinds. Calculating it at the rate of one wild rabbit at 100 copper coins every seven days, in three years, it’s worth a total of 15 and a half taels of silver. But the actual number is far more!”

As Di Yelei’s words fell, the surrounding fellow villagers whispered to each other and the discussion started.

What kind of person Mrs. Wang was in these years, and how Di Yelei acted, and the character of his stepmother, were all clear to everyone.

Where would they not know that what Di Yelei said at the moment was all true?

So, the accusations of the neighbors all poured into Mrs. Wang’s ears, making her blush with shame.

“Second Sister-in-law, do you want to know the total amount? I have a detailed record of every item on the account book in my hand. Second Sister-in-law, do you want to see if Third Brother has made a mistake in accounting?”

Upon Di Yelei’s words, Mrs. Wang’s face turned pale.

She never expected that the silent Di Yelei would be so ruthless, recording all the silver taken.

She cursed in her heart, truly a dog that doesn’t bark would bite.

“What account? Where did the account come from? When did I take these things from your house? Don’t wrong me. Be careful, I might report you for slander!” Mrs. Wang stammered and roared.

“Whether we have slandered you or not, let’s wait until we bring Mr. Land Officer to check the accounts one by one, then everything will be clear.”

Liu Sisi stepped out from behind Di Yelei: “I think, our fellow villagers and neighbors all know it, right? Second Sister-in-law, once it reaches the Land Officer, I’m afraid it’s not us returning silver to you, but…”

Liu Sisi deliberately lengthened her tone and saw Mrs. Wang’s face alternating between pale and angry, daring not to speak out.

“You, how could you be so ruthless! Everyone, come and see.”

Before Mrs. Wang could reply, Mrs. Zhao squeezed in from the crowd, crying loudly: “Woo… Isn’t it just because my old man wanted some soup and took a few games of yours? You even recorded it in the account book. Now you’re protecting this… this woman and don’t even want your own father anymore, oh Heavens! Why don’t you strike him down with a thunderbolt!”

Look at how smooth these remarks were…

The game that Mrs. Wang had taken away had now become something Father Di ate!

What’s more important is that so much game had turned into a few in her mouth.

Liu Sisi smiled lightly and walked forward two steps, pretending to help: “Mom, you are an elder, don’t let the villagers laugh at us. Those who know would say you are not willing to let Second Sister-in-law suffer; those who don’t would think you are being disrespectful and making a scene, which would not be good.”

Mrs. Zhao never expected Liu Sisi to dare to confront her in front of everyone, and immediately cried more loudly: “You, you rash girl, how dare you say I am disrespectful? I don’t want to live anymore, old man, come and see!”

“Mom, you must not wrong Sisi like this. Even if you lend Sisi a hundred guts, Sisi would never dare to be disrespectful to you!”

Liu Sisi showed a grieved expression, tears welling up in her eyes, making people feel pity: “You said that a few hundred games Second Sister-in-law took away were just a few, then it must be just a few, where would Sisi dare to say otherwise? You said that the game was eaten by Father, so it must have been eaten by Father! Who else would dare to eat this game? Mom, don’t you agree?”

Father ate all those games, right? Didn’t you say yourself that they were all eaten by Father?

I’m just following what you said!

The surrounding neighbors couldn’t help but burst into laughter after hearing these words.

Everyone was a neighbor, and who didn’t know whose mouth the game Di Yelei hunted eventually ended up in?

Joyful Motherhood in a Rural Family Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon