Not until Liu Sisi had finished dealing with everything did Di Yelei return.

Liu Sisi paid no attention, washed up, and went back to her room and fell asleep.

This sleep, she slept until daybreak.

When she woke up in the morning, she did not see Di Yelei. It seemed he hadn’t returned all night.

When Liu Sisi cooked rice in the morning and dressed YingEr, Di Yelei finally came back.

The two little hounds wagged their tails non-stop around him. Ah-Hua, because of being both fat and short, even rolled directly over his foot, happily frolicking.

“Yelei? Hurry up and wash your hands, it’s time for dinner.”

Liu Sisi was quickly stir-frying the small dried fish in the pot, planning to eat it with porridge.


Di Yelei hesitated for a moment but eventually said nothing and went to wash his hands.

Liu Sisi didn’t ask him where he had gone for the night.

If he wanted to tell her, he would naturally do so. If he didn’t want to tell her, she would likely end up using countless excuses to cover up the truth even if she asked.

If that’s the case, it’s better not to ask.

After dinner, Liu Sisi continued making ribbon flowers, while Di Yelei went back to his room to sleep. At noon, Sisi steamed a basket of chive and dried shrimp dumplings, intending to take them as dried food for Yelei. She also filled two large bamboo tubes with water for him to carry at any time.

In addition, Liu Sisi also killed the eel and loach to make sure Di Yelei had a full stomach, so he would have the energy to go hunting in the mountains.

When Di Yelei really went up to the mountain and saw his distant back, Liu Sisi felt extremely wronged!

Is it true that if she doesn’t ask, he really won’t tell her where he went the night before?

However, a moment later, she shook her head with a smile, suddenly not understanding what was wrong with her.

Why was she so worried about gains and losses, completely unlike her past self!

It is true that the more you care, the more afraid you are of losing!

Once she figured it out, Liu Sisi calmed down, busying herself with chores, and the day passed by.

Early the next morning, Di Yelei returned.

He brought back many hunting trophies today, including two dead weasels and mountain marmots, as well as two big wild rabbits and a litter of little wild rabbits, and two live golden pheasants. Liu Sisi was overjoyed at this!

“Dad! Dad, I want to touch, I want to touch the little wild rabbit!”

YingEr grabbed the fluffy little wild rabbits and refused to let go: “Dad! Keep the little wild rabbits, keep the little wild rabbits!”

Liu Sisi shook her head with a smile: “Of course we will keep them, no one wants such small wild rabbits. But what does YingEr plan to do with the little wild rabbits?”

“YingEr wants to raise the little wild rabbits to be big and fat, so the little wild rabbits can accompany YingEr.”

YingEr smiled with her eyes squinted.

“Sister, let brother help you raise them together, so in the future, we will have many many little wild rabbits.” Xuan’er’s eyes were also shining beside her.

“Since you guys want to raise them, let’s just keep this pair of golden pheasants as well.”

As Liu Sisi spoke, she picked up the pair of golden pheasants: “Let’s make it clear first, once these golden pheasants grow up, they can lay eggs, and these eggs will be for Xuan’er and YingEr to eat. But, the wild vegetables for the little wild rabbits and baby chicks will have to be dug up by Xuan’er and YingEr, okay?”

Liu Sisi didn’t intend to spoil the two children and thought that starting with raising small animals was a great way to cultivate their sense of responsibility from a young age.

“Yes! We will dig up wild vegetables for the little wild rabbits every day, don’t worry mom.” YingEr nodded quickly.

Xuan’er also hurriedly said, “And the golden pheasants.”

“Alright! Since the kids like them, let’s keep them.” Di Yelei naturally couldn’t bear to refuse the children’s request.

Joyful Motherhood in a Rural Family Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang