Gaining Back the Upper Hand

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Seok-woo growls and looks at Eunbi.

"HE WAS NEVER MENTION!" She yells in hopes of not getting in trouble.

"Oh but miss, I have. You just weren't there." Jackson smirks. Seok-woo just growls at the man and his fellow reptilian group.

"OH SHIT! That's this Namjoon. Ha, what a small world." Yoongi mentions as he laughs at his slow brain. "Oh for the love of...GET THEM!" Seok-woo yells.

The remaining wolves and lioness attack the alligator congregation but they were a lot stronger than the odd Pride. Jackson runs up to the wolf holding his friend hostage. "Hey." He said as he slams his head against the males head, easily knocking him out.

"Sup Joon. How's it going?" He asked staring at the tied up Dog.

"Great, now untie me." Namjoon answered. Jackson was quick to chomp at the rope using his sharp teeth. "You know, when you called me to meet your friends here, I didn't think it would be a rescue mission." Jackson smirks with a gleam in his eyes.

"Well, it's not exactly a rescue mission. We plan to get rid of Seok-woo...for good."

Jackson smiles even wider. "Will you help us finish this?" Namjoon asked.

"Help you kill the man who forced my family out of their home? Count us in." Jackson jumped off Seok-woo's desk and kicked a lioness off Yoongi's back. "What's my favorite capy doing at a place like this?" He asked as he leans to the ground to talk to Yoongi.

"Making shoes, what do you think I'm doing?" Yoongi gets up and pats himself down. A crash was heard followed by a scream by Jessi. The two turn to see her jam a knife into the stomach of a wolf continuously.

"She scares me."

"You have no idea. You got my back?" Yoongi asked.

"A hundred percent." Pushing Yoongi out of the way, Jackson grips an attacking lioness's throat and slams her body to the ground. "Oh yeah, I got your back."

Taehyung unties the last knot he had and watched as his mate was being pulled away from him. Everyone too busy trying to get out of their binds, not realizing Jungkook was being taken. "Shit. JUNGKOOK!" He yells, running after him.

Taking out his sheathed knife, a sword was swung to stop his attack. A loud clink was heard when the two sharp objects collided. "You're not going anywhere." Eunbi said.

Taehyung growl and released his knife. Taking a few steps back, still gripping his knife, he asks. "Why did you betray us?"

Eunbi laughs. "You think I was with you this whole time? Hell no. I was with Seok-woo when that fucking clown was brought in. I was there, watching my King being ridiculed and banished. Sadly, I was working with your lame excuse of a father. Trapped with him when you married Seok-woo." She explains, swinging her sword at Taehyung every chance she got. Taehyung barely dodged the blade, but he still managed to listen to Eunbi's story.

"When I found out he left you to die slowly I was furious. I would've killed you quickly." She smiled. "I was now in my rightful place, his Pride. He used me to infatuate Jungkook's Pride when he found out that the cub was creating one. I was let in based on pity from the fucking idiot named IU. I heard everything. Everything, including EVERYONE'S WEAKNESS!" She screamed jabbing her sword into Taehyung's stomach. When she looked at him her eyes widened.

IU smirks. "Not today, bitch." She said as she pushed her katana against Eunbi's sword. Taehyung stood behind her, unharmed. "Go get our King." She said to him, looking back. "I'll handle her."

Taehyung nods and runs after the two wolves that took his man.

"Damn it!" Eunbi yells.

"Focus on me!" IU yells jumping into the air to attack her.

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