Tame the King

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Ok, the chapter itself isn't as bad as the title. I promise.


Jungkook's POV

I'm not entirely sure what happened but after the boy told me what to do I couldn't control my body until I finished the tasks. I can hear my lionesses asking me questions but I couldn't talk. It was honestly....pretty interesting.

"Well, Taehyung seems to be making himself at home now. I guess that's a good thing. Jungkook are you ok now?" IU asked me. I looked up at her and just nod.

"So what happened to ya?" Jessi asked me.

I shake my head. "I'm not sure. I never submitted to anyone before even then I didn't submit to him before either so where's the reason behind that?"

None of the girls could answer my question.

"Well, you didn't because maybe, I'm just guessing here, didn't make him your Queen just yet?" Tzuyu questioned.

"Couldn't have been. It would be happening to other Kings as well. So far I've heard nothing of this happening." IU placed a wet rag on top of my head and tried to cool me off. Every time I'm out of my animalistic state I start to warm up to the point of fever.

When I'm in my animal form I lose control of myself for.....reasons. Main point is that when I snap out of it I'm so weak I could die if not treated properly. Like cooling my body for one. The thing that does scare me though, is the fact I was my animal inside my human body. I don't remember marking him to begin with. I wasn't myself. Now I'm more worried with him controlling me outside of the form.

"Maybe he is as different as you King!? After you marked him he grew the power to tame you!" Tzuyu smiled at her new findings.

I just growled at her words used.

"She didn't mean tame, she meant keep you grounded. Make sure you don't hurt anybody against your will." IU pats Tzuyu's head.

"Yeah, sure." I gave her a small glare before sitting back once more. My head aches more then what it normally did.

"Honestly to go back to your first question, I'm not sure why he listened to me either. I'm not special at all." The boy's voice was heard behind me. I wanted to turn around to see him but I'm planted on the couch for life.

"Taehyung! How long have you been standing there?" Eunbi asked.

"Long enough to have heard the question." I can hear the annoyance in his voice. I kinda dig it.

"Ok smartass. What is your explanation about you taking hold of OUR king?" Jessi asked.

I watched as he made his way towards us. We were in the movie room so he took the extended couch and laid down on his side facing us. "I just told you my explanation. I'm not sure why he listened. So rule out me being able to control this psycho. Made it was a one time thing." Taehyung shrugs.

"Well, seeing as didn't growl at you calling him a psycho, I think you have him." IU smiled before placing a new rag on my forehead.

"I didn't hear him all the way." I tried to reason with that excuse but they didn't buy it, not even the boy.

"Personally I just enjoy the fact I won't be forced into a mating thing again. Right." He glared at me with the question. I can feel reluctance in the pit of my stomach but something else was stronger.

"Fine." I sighed and took the rag off while leaning forward on my knees. "When will be the best time for you?" I asked him.

"Preferably, never."

I can feel my lion become....disheartened? "Ok." I said and leaned back into the couch with the rag back on my head.

"That's it? You give him a place to stay a new RANK to add to it, and all you get in return is nothing? Where's my strong King who doesn't take no for an answer?" Jessi was really pushing my buttons.

I growl. "I don't get nothing, I got a mate. You better hold your tongue before I do."

"Do that and I'll hit you."

I just tisked and listened to my Queen.

"Jessi he is right. Goodness knows how long this will keep up. Maybe we should look it up on the net. It could have history of the single celled human's findings on it." Taehyung instructed. Tzuyu was quick to find a laptop.

"Ok let me see." She starts tapping away on the internet.

~~Ok this will be the only thing I'm making up for the sake of the story~~

"I found an article, but it's very old. Like 2017 old." She told us.

"Well read the damn thing." Jessi rolled her eyes.

"Ok. It says here that two male lions can form a bond stronger then a male with a female. Some researchers says that two male couples are more considerate and loving to each other then with a female companion." (This is true actually)

Taehyung stares at me. "Must take a while. Next."

I scoffed at his words.

"Well, the people who wrote this were following a Pride when they noticed a mating. The King just mated the male but as they continued to follow them, they noticed that when the King got to angry at his lionesses or cubs, his partner was quick to attack. To put the King down. Like a medium to the arguments. 'The King did not fight back but instead stood down from his anger. He let the other male keep him at bay but the Lionesses knew who their true King was.' I think this helps just a tiny bit." Tzuyu closed the laptop. (Ok this is what I made up)

"So it was in our DNA this whole time?" Taehyung asked.

"That's what they're saying." Tzuyu takes a sip from a cup of milk that randomly appeared for her.

"You never told us if the King had any power over the other." 

"You really love power don't you Jessi." Taehyung glared at her.

"Only when it has something to do with my King." She glared back.

"Well, I thought it saying the lionesses still knew who their King was was a given."

"You gotta be more specific with her, she's a little slow." Taehyung booped Jessi's nose after his words.

She growled at him and I can tell she was going to hurt him, rather playfully or not, I snarled and made sure nothing hurt my queen.

Taehyung looked at me once Jessi sat back down. "Just so you know. I still don't like this rank, but if you really TRY to get me to like it then I won't go against you. You need to make me feel like I want this spot on my own not be force."

I stood from my spot on the ground and walked towards him, I made sure my tail was swaying to indicate I meant no harm. I squat on the floor to be at his sitting level before saying. "I'll give it my all."

I then lift him up bridal style and spun him around, he let out a small scream but then a chuckle. Now I have a new goal, to hear him laugh.


Words: 1181

Eh, it's not as good as my past chapters but to me I enjoyed it. Especially giving some cool facts out there, it feels nice.

Anyways, here you go @RubyGur I hope this was a good chapter to wait for. I'll update again soon but not right quite this moment since I have an Essay I need to finish before this wkend.

Don't be a silent reader!

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