Trial 1

36 1 5

Taehyung's POV

Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe I should've just up and left. Maybe I should've done a lot of things, yet here I am laying in bed with this beast of a man spooning me.

I'm mean, I don't mind that he is pressed up against me, shirtless, and breathing down my neck. It's the fact I'm laying on my left side. I have pain tears falling down my face yet I don't make a sound. Honestly, I think it would be bad both ways. If I was laying on my right side his leg will still be wrapped around my waist just like it is right now.

I felt him pull me in closer and took in a deep breath of my scent. He's stronger than I thought and I had him on high standards.

I gently closed my eyes when an alarm went off. I felt Jungkook lean over me to turn off his alarm clock. He stretch and made his way off the bed. I too started to get up by rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Good morning." He says to me. I just hum in reply. I hardly slept since I was in pain all night. He noticed my discomfort and asked me.

"Are you ok?"

I shook my head. "No, my hip hurts." He came up to me and place his hand under my face. "Which hip?" I pointed to my left one. He curses under his breath. "You were laying on it all night weren't you?"

I nod. He sighs. "Why didn't you tell me? I would've let you reposition yourself."

"You were already asleep and I didn't want to disturb.....your lion. Anyways, you would've just place your leg around my hips again so it wouldn't have mattered."

"Next time tell me when you're hurting because of me. I don't want to hurt you with and without knowing it." He kissed my forehead but I backed away from it. He just looked sad but quickly hid it. "I need to shower before I leave, IU should have breakfast ready by now so why don't you head to the dining room."

He went into his bathroom but I didn't get out of bed until I heard the water running. Kissing is still off limits for him. I don't care if it's on the cheek or hand, his lips are not touching any part of my body.

Once I reached the dining room I was able to smell breakfast. Saliva instantly filled my mouth.

"Good morning, Taehyung." IU sang a little. I smiled. "I have a question. Why do you guys wake up so early?" It is currently 7a and so much has already gotten done.

"Well, only Jungkook, Sana, and I are normally up first. We like to get ready early so we can do our own thing for two hours. I make breakfast. Jungkook does whatever he does. I don't ask Sana. As long as you wake up by 10a, Jungkook doesn't care how long you sleep."

I nod. "You think Jungkook will let me go to your nightly patrols?" I asked as I drank a glass of orange juice.

"Probably not, but it wouldn't hurt to ask him." IU started to place the platters in their proper spots.

"You don't have to. You need to ask me and me says no. End of discussion." Jungkook walked inside the kitchen wearing gray sweatpants and a black hoodie.

"Why not!" I asked. He can't keep me here forever.

"Because, by the end of our day together, you'd be too tired to join us." Jungkook smirked at me.

"How do you know my stamina won't keep up with you!?" I argued.

"Trust me, you won't be able to keep up. When I start I don't stop until I get tired, and I don't." He was now in my face with that same stupid smirk. I got up on my tiptoes to get on his level, I didn't but I could've.

"I have enough energy to last a whole day! I can keep up with anything you put me through!"

"*cough* not to interrupt your....conversation, but we are ready to eat." IU pulls out Jungkook's chair before sitting in her spot.

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