Attack In The Night

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Oh shit.


Namjoon watches as everyone puts on their different weapons and shields. He understood the fear Jungkook had for him so he will be staying in the mansion, for Jungkook's sake.

"Alright, you guys know what to do right? Stay together, be in teams, be CAUTIOUS!"

"Joonie, relax. We know what to do, we've been over this plan for ages." Seokjin chuckles as he kisses his mates forehead. "We'll be ok."

"Man am I excited for this. The only problem I have with this dumb plan is that I have to stay outside. Can't I go in? Switch spots with Eunbi?" Jessi asked for the hundredth time.

"Because, we need muscle outside, Jess. Why are you so adamant to go inside?" Taehyung asked as he sheaths a small knife to his back waist holster.

Jessi just squints her eyes. "I'm worried for my King."

IU sighs. "It's ok, Jess. Eunbi and I have him protected. You just stay out and be prepared to help when we need it."

Namjoon stares at the upset lioness. She was so determined to be the one to enter the building of Seok-woo to the point she cornered him to get her inside. It caused him to worry a bit.

"Let's move." Jungkook said. After everyone left, Namjoon stayed in the living room to watch tv but he couldn't really focus with his mate risking his life without him.

~~In the Center of Seoul~~

~~~Kim Sales Building~~~

"Kim Sales? The fuck kind of name is that?" Jessi asked. Taehyung hits her on her head. "My late father named it that. It was all about secrecy."

Jessi rolls her eyes. "Ugh, I guess."

"Get to your positions. Tae, Eunbi, IU, ready?" Jungkook asked getting a nod in return.

The four leave the van and walked right inside the building. Seok-woo's guards pulled out their guns, remembering the two males as enemies. IU used her katana to slice the guns out of their hands, while Eunbi pushes and knocks them out with her gun's butt. Both making sure they don't kill them

Taehyung and Jungkook just keep walking, letting their lioness handle the guards. The girls kept up with them. Once they reached the elevators, Jungkook opened it and pressed the top floor. Eunbi grips her gun. IU sheaths her katana to her back. Taehyung holds Jungkook's hand.

The door opens for them to see the front desk of Seok-woo's dimly lit office. They walked out to see a shocked Seok-woo, he stands but was forced to sit. "Stay!" Jungkook growled.

The four intruders stand in front of Seok-woo's desk. Taehyung puts his hand on his knife, waiting to use it. Jungkook stood straight and stared down at his old captor. "I'll warn you once. Leave Seoul, leave Korea now, or we will attack. For every bad you've done, you should be happy we don't kill you now."

"You really think I'd leave because the mysterious JK lion is right in front of me? You're nothing but a child!" Seok-woo yells. Jungkook slams his hand on the desk to silence him again. "That's the problem. You still think I'm naïve, that Taehyung is weak. Well guess what. We're not. I'm not afraid of you anymore. I will kill you if I see you here any longer. Leave while you still have your life."

Seok-woo stares at the boy he used all those years ago. He was stronger and more mature, but he's still naïve. He started to chuckle. "Oh boy. You are so wrong. You're too trusting. You let your main lioness add one of mine to your Pride way back when. Didn't take much. Now, you still didn't know about her. Come on out, my new Queen."

Jungkook's eyes widened when he saw the lioness he trusted. The one who tried to stop him from killing Namjoon at the beach, who helps him to get back to normal when in his lion form. His noona.

"Eunbi!" IU yells. Eunbi smirks. "Don't be so surprised, IU. It was always a job." Eunbi laughs as she holds IU in a choke hold to keep her from saving everyone, of course, she has her gun to her head. Taehyung growls at the woman. Damn it.

His eyes widen. "Kook, she knew about the..."

"The plan? Yes she did. And yes, she told me."

They watched as Seok-woo's men and lionesses come out of hiding, each holding one member of Jungkook's Pride. Seokjin struggled to get out of the hold a wolf has on him. Yoongi is forced onto his knees by another wolf. Hoseok watched as a lioness breaks his glasses and pins him to the ground. Jimin struggles in the two wolves' hold, his tail opens to try and push them off but another tackles him to the ground.

"Stay down, reject!" The wolf yelled. Jimin stopped his struggling. He wasn't a reject to his flock! He chose to leave it! When that was the only choice to pick from.

Taehyung's heart dropped to his stomach. Another betrayal he's going through? What else is going to happen?


A person was brought out of the darkness. Namjoon.

"Hyung!" Jungkook yelled, starting to run to his aid but a wolf held him down. Taehyung felt his arms being forced behind his back into binds of rope. "Shit." He whispers to himself.

"Ah, don't you love it when everything you worked for is taken from you in less than three minutes?" Seok-woo laughs. "I told you Kook, that you're nothing but a stupid..."

Jungkook growls.


He bares his teeth.


Seok-woo smiles at Jungkook's bound body when beeps from the elevator dings. Someone is coming up. Everyone is quiet. When the light reached the top floor, eyes trained on the opening elevator.


The doors open to reveal a man who looks lost.

"Oh, hi? Um...I was told by a friend to come here. He must have given me the wrong....address." The man stumbles inside the room and widened his eyes at the people being held hostage.

"Most likely. Now GET THE FUCK OUT!" Seok-woo yells.

The man chuckles nervously. "I'm sorry, but we don't listen to you."

"...'we'?" Seok-woo asked.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Jackson. Jackson Wang. And this is my congregation."

Glass breaks as alligator hybrids smash through the windows, landing behind the captors of their friend's friends.

"Bet your little spy didn't tell you about us!" Jackson smirks.


Words: 1093

Almost done! Wasn't that a surprise, Jessi wasn't the betrayer. In future chapters, one will be upset for accusing her in the last chapter. 🤭🥲

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