What's Going On

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Some call him crazy, others call him brave, but what's for sure is, he's stupid.

Taehyung ran as fast as he could with what he got. A herd of buffalos chased after him, can you blame Taehyung though? He doesn't want to rob their store, he's just hungry.

"Get the god damn crippled." A buffalo yelled to his herd.

Taehyung slowed a bit at the name they called him. He knows he is broken, that doesn't mean the names hurt less.

Because of his small pause the buffalos caught and cornered him.

"Give us our apples." A big, buffed buffalo commanded.

"Why? It's just two little fruits, not like you'll miss them or anything." Taehyung smirked at his soon to be attackers.

"No, but we will miss the money you stole from us." Another buffalo said.

"Oh I'm sorry $2.15 will keep you up at night." Taehyung said sarcastically.

"$2 that will feed us." The buffed buffalo spoke again.

"Between you and me, I think you guys could do with a little less feeding." Taehyung rolled his eyes. The buffalos huffed out of their noses in anger.

"Ah!" Taehyung screeched when his tail was grabbed. He dropped to the floor in pain, watching the apples roll away.

The buffalos smirked. An attack from the back, works every time.

"You....assholes...you know...grabbing a tail is.....illegal." Taehyung growled out. The hands that gripped his tail tightened his hold making Taehyung fall further into 'submission.'

"You're right, but stealing is too. So who's the real bad guy here?" The leader of the herd said to his face. Taehyung just glared at him. If he could, he'd change into his lion but, V is just too weak from lack of food, plus the tail grip stops him all together.

"Let's go boys." The buffalos left together but the leader stayed behind to give his final message. "Remember this moment the next time you want to enter my territory, No-Mane" The male got back up and slammed his hoof on the apples, turning them into sauce.

Taehyung was too scared to think about the apples but more of the name. No-Mane. Now that hurt worse then cripple.

~~Meanwhile, on the other side of Seoul~~

"Give me back my lipstick, Jisoo!"

"Why? It just makes you look like a slut, me on the other hand, look like a princess." Jisoo smiles at her fellow lioness.

"Guys, really? We're adults, stop fighting over stupid things!" Another female lion going by the name of IU said to the two arguing girls.

"But she took my lipstick! That cost more than her butt job!" Tzuyu yelled.

"Hey! You know that was a rumor, bitch!" Jisoo got in front of Tzuyu's face.

"And it turned out to be true!" The two girls started fighting with each other. Rolling all over the floor and walls, trying to be superior.

"My nail." Tzuyu was able to get out of their pile before growling. "You. Broke. My. NAIL!" Tzuyu jumps at Jisoo but in midair turned into her lion, attacking Jisoo.

The two growled and clawed at each other, both in their lion state.

"Guys for real?" Lisa spoke as she watched the two fight over nothing.

Sana, knowing this was going to end badly turned to the man watching the whole thing, with a smile on his face. "King, please. They could kill each other." She said with haste.

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