Part 50

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All the boys are shaken awake by a nurse exiting Niko's room. They run up to her, still tired from their sleep. 

"Is he ok?" Kenny rushes out. 

"Are you his family?" Lilia, the nurse, asks, all the boys nodding yes. Cause they were family, not by blood directly, but definitely in their hearts, "Ok, well the bullet was lodged deep inside of him. It took us a while to find it as it had travelled close to his chest. He got lucky it didn't get all the way up, it could've been fatal. But, he's doing alright."

The boys let out a sigh of relief hearing the information. Niko was ok. 

"Can we see him?" Sharky asks, wanting nothing but to see himself Niko was ok.

The nurse nods her head, "Yes, however, he is in a minor coma. He could wake up any minute now, or in a week. He can hear everything you're saying but won't be able to move or react. The best thing you can do is just talk to him, bring back memories."

The nurse walks away, leaving the boys stood there in shock. Niko was alive, but at what extent. Chunkz gulps and breaks the silence, "Should we... lets go in." 

They silently follow Chunkz into the room, and tear up at the sight. There lay Niko, multiple wires stretching out his chest, hand connected to an IV, machinery surrounding him. Aj lets out a choked sob. This was all his fault. 

Kenny is the first one to approach the boy, grabbing his limp, free hand in his own rubbing his thumb along the surface. "Hey Niko. Uh, how are you. I mean I know you can't really answer that, and you'd probably laugh at me right now at that question. I -uh I really hope you wake up, I really need you to. Please. You're my brother Niko. The only one that defends me when I say something stupid, although I know you want to laugh too." Kenny lets out a wet chuckle, staring up at the ceiling, before looking back down at Niko's limp body, "Remember. Remember when we first met, and you being the little menace you are pretended you didn't know who I was. I walked up to you in the restaurant and you acted like you didn't know me, and I felt soo embarrassed. I thought I was catfished or something. I'm glad I met you Niko. I love you so much." 

"I love you too," Niko thinks, hands aching to squeeze back, but he can't. Why can't I move.

Kenny backs away, with tears in his eyes, to let someone else speak to Niko, but when he sees no one moves he frowns slightly. "Guys, I know its hard seeing him like this, but the nurse said we need to talk to him. Just  pretend he's answering, he can hear everything." Moving to sit on one of the seats. 

Sharky sighs, before walking up to Niko. "Hey. I- I'm glad you're okay. I- don't know what to say, uhm," He looks at the other boys for support. 

"Tell him a memory Sharks, the more memories we bring back the sooner he'll wake up." Kenny says. 

Sharky nods, continuing his speech, "This is something I'll never forget. I remember when you flooded our whole house with packing peanuts. I had to go out to grab somethings, and you said you'd tidy them all away. I came home and went up to my room and I couldn't get the door open fully. You had moved the peanuts from downstairs to my room. You and AJ hid in the flood, and scared the shit out of me." Sharky pauses to laugh, "You then said, you wanted know how it'd feel like to be AJ, hiding in burrows. I'll never forget that day. We need you Niko, please, please wake up." 

Niko wants to smile at the memory, but he can't move his face. His mind wanting to send signals all over his body but it wasn't working. "I'm trying to wake up, I'm really trying."

Sharky smiles down at the boy, before walking over to Kenny who pulls him into his lap. Kenny rubs his back, placing a kiss to the side of his head, "It'll be okay." He kept whispering into his ear. 

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